Mister Bond

I don’t know of any agreement between Britain and France and Finland before the Winter War. There were agreements with Poland, but I don’t know of any with Finland.

He has sky high approval ratings. And don’t give me the nonsense of “state media” brainwashing people, the US leads the way with propaganda wars on state media. This is the country that tied Iraq to 911 and sold that fantasy with such pomp that even to this day there are people out there who believe it

The same can be said of the US, you occupy your own continent with some happy go lucky Canadians to the north and mexico to the south. The greatest threat to the US is domestic terrorism and your 2nd Amendment. I genuinely don’t think Americans understand there is thousands of miles of open ocean between them and ANY

Cough...cough Azov Batallion, western supported Ukrainian government endorsed Neo Nazis who fight (loose use of the term since the Ukrainians specialize in running away) in the east.

You have done the very rare concept of looking at it from the other side and ignoring the “big bad rooskies” nonsense that tends to prevail here. Americans can’t understand because they have never been invaded, never been touched by war and have 2 peaceful borders. Beside the fact they have bases throughout the world

There are tons of reasons to be against hte abortion that is the F-35. The DOT&E just wrote 48 pages about what a disaster the F-35 is, as is the fact that it will be finished development more than 10 years after it was supposed to be done, development will cost 400% of what it was supposed to cost and the aircraft

Before I say this, I need to state that I don’t personally defend having this mindset, nor do I believe it should give Russia license to act the way they do towards their neighbors. But: Given all the invasions they’ve suffered, starting back with the Nazis in WWII, going through Napoleon’s campaign, and reaching as

I don’t really think Russia is going to care about this - it’s not like Finland is going to invade them. Or send Finnish terrorists.

No, Russia cares very much about their muslim borders to the south, and the difficulties there. That’s the real problem.

But, good on Finland and the US for literally poking the bear. I’m

You took a pot shot at the Pak FA so I returned the favor. India is not bailing nor is any of the concerns performance related.
The Pak FA is the best fighter available for anyone who has money by a country mile. The F 22 isn’t available for export.

It is absolutely ludicrous to claim that Super Hornet is anywhere near PAK FA in terms of signature control measures. PAK FA shows all sorts of shaping and construction solutions designed to lower radar returns, that SH simply lags. Even if you don’t have the knowledge to understand things like faceting and planform

The turks can’t even contain a low level insurgency

Are those the R-77? Sh*t things are looking serious. Turkey’s F-16s are in trouble when it comes to BVR.

If NATO goes to war to defend an Islamist who aides ISIS, suppresses freedom of the press, puts tanks on the streets to clamp down on Kurds, who refuses to acknowledge the Armenian genocide, who illegally occupies Northern Cyprus, who routinely illegally breaches Greek sovereign airspace, who does nothing to stop the

They are also carrying the RVV-SD

I have just checked in with my “Putin Troll Industries” supervisor and hhe said it was ok for me to post here. Also, Putin personally gave me a medal!!! Are you in special ed class or something? Or is very opinion that differs from the official “party line”fed to you by US States Department and etc is a “lie”?

Attempt to shoot down a Russian jet over a foreign country again? That would not go well for Turkey’s existence.

Bar a complete full scale invasion the Turks wouldn’t get even close to Latakia. A Turkish foray would be suicidal, the Kurds would take advantage and launch a massive terrorist insurgency

Russia’s helping Syria is not cold war. They’re helping their ally. The US does this all the time. Yemen, Kuwait, etc. This is really biased.

They are intimidating enough :)

Be cool when Russia uses the same idea on this thing. Starting with more payload, speed and range.