Mister Bond

“RuAF will continue to bomb terrorist groups in Syria” - Russian MoD

jaja millions of babies. Russians eat babies hearts for breakfest didn’t ya know?

typical answer from an Obama-bot :D

yeah cool story bro :D

the so called “double-speak” is only in wrong translations.

ps: “Russia’s prime minister said Saturday that Russia’s military aim in Syria is to defend its national interests and defeat the Islamic State and not to keep President Bashar al-Assad in power.“ - wrong translation. The only correct part of the translation is about “the defense of Russian national interests”, while

“The objective of the Russian military operation in Syria - is the stabilization of the legitimate authority in the country.” - Putin’s statement from an interview early in October 2015.

care to post any official statement from Kremlin where it says that Russia entered Syria to defeat ISIS?

MANPADS against planes at 5K+ altitude? yeah, cool story.

“The Syrian intervention was largely unpopular in Russia” -

“The objective of the Russian military operation in Syria - is the stabilization of the legitimate authority in the country.” - Putin’s statement from an interview early in October 2015.

then why is it a problem for you?

that’s why it’s not your problem.

Russia doesn’t have manufacturing base for such projects yet. The shipyard in St.Petersburg is getting rebuild right now, and should be ready in 2019-2020. Then there is an empty gap in the ship turbine manufacturing as well (Ukraine used to be the provider of russian ships turbines). So it will take few more years to

If it’s a Putin’s house, he sure deserve to have it. The man has build up his country from the ruins in just 15 years. He deserve to have a gold medal worth of a billion.

You’ve just made another generalization of your claim. While I asked you what was the problem. I see that you obviously can’t answer that.

I asked you what is the problem. You still have not answered.

“Putin is a KGB-bred dictator and a stone-cold murderer?” -