well unlike you, I had my uncle killed in Grozny in january 1995, I was 13 years old and remember it very well.
well unlike you, I had my uncle killed in Grozny in january 1995, I was 13 years old and remember it very well.
“It was the same destruction of a same city 5 years later” - Grozny was never rebuild after 1st war, so there was not much more to destroy in the 2nd one.
The point is you are posting Grozny 1995 pictures and “Putin” in the same context. You are “twisting” facts. As I have already said, if you are gonna be biased, at least do it with proper arguments.
and again you show picture from 1995 and not 2000.
and more footage from 1995 (there are countless images/videos of Grozny 1995 on the web, if you bother to search)
just search on google “Грозный 1995” ffs, and look at the images/videos
that particular picture is from 1995, and not 2000’s
ps: as said, the picture is of Grozny in 1995, way before Putin became the president or came into Kremlin at all for that matter.
I’m talking about your picture and it’s from 1995. And 21 years ago is not recently. Georgia 2008 would be recently.
yes, battle of Grozny in 1995.
no, Grozny 1995
I wouldn’t call 20 years ago for recently.
ah yes, the “We came, we saw, he died” - wasn’t a disaster....really?
because that is what any US navy vessel would do in this situation. And russians are no different considering the situation. And yes, bringing USS Cole incident here is perfectly legit.
cough..USS Cole...cough
where do you see it on the surface? It’s pretty clear that missiles are getting launched from underwater.
The bakery you are talking about wasn’t hit by a cruise missile. So I’m not sure why it would be smart to build them Kappa.