Uh, no. ROTJ was awesome.
Uh, no. ROTJ was awesome.
Are we SURE that isn't poop?
As usual, Black Widow gets left out...
Photo redacted ... Should we expect any less of a super spy and assassin?😀
Deke left! DEKE LEFT!!!!
Snape kills Dumbledore
Yeah, they have what's called inertial compensators. In the books (may they rest in piece) fighter pilots tend to like to feel the movement of the ship and purposely dial the compensators down.
OBVIOUSLY they are able to pull it off due to the Gravity Flux Compensators the Millenium Falcon has. As any TRUE Star Wars fan would know if they had read Star Wars Technical Journal Volume one published in 1993.
See? This is why io9 commenters rule the Internet.
The scene in Superman 3 when the supercomputer converts Vera into a weaponized cyborg against her will. It's a scene that disturbs me to this very day — shades of a Singularity gone terribly, terribly wrong.
Is this comment for real? Have you been paying attention to what we've had to go through around here to get this sorted out? And now on top of being BULLIED to the point of almost needing therapy, you're telling Jezebel writers because we had to pull tooth and nail to get our own company to help us fight this, we're…
I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I've imagined the *exact* same thing. In my version, he whoops all the necessary butts, pulls down his hood and informs the newbies "I'm Luke Skywalker, I'm here to rescue you."
I'm too old to be this excited about a movie.
No that's totally what it's for. This whole discussion is confusing because every wedding I've been to seems to have some sort of official or UNofficial hashtag so that guests can share with other guests that they are not friend with, and absolutely nothing to do with going viral or sharing with the whole world,…
I'm Guybrush Threepwood, Might Pirateâ„¢