
He would have been awaited in Valhalla if he’d made himself shiny and chrome first.

I swear I’ve got the same pic of my Forester, except for a kayak and bike on top.

This looks very similar to where my Outback is at in my post. Kite Lake?

The Outback is a phenomenal do it-all-mobile. I like the red/gold reference. I’ve been slowly un-gilding (grille, badges and wheels) my red 97 over last decade or so, but I left the pinstripes as a nod to its 90’s-ness.

He was an advertising executive from New York, but he grew up in a whore house in Pennsylvania.

OH MAN yup I totally had that hahaha

I had this exact starter jacket as a kid. Go Hornets!

Not poor marketing but very restrained trailer making for a change. I for one am glad

Early adopter here. Loved that thing! There was so much it could do at the time and so much it did more efficiently than other phones for its time. I don’t feel that the components were as high enough of quality to match what the device was trying to do though. ;[ I tried to boot mine up the other day and sadly I

It’s very possible, but these were posted the Thursday before the finale. I don't see what they have to gain by photoshopping it. Maybe if it were the only picture.

In the screen caps that leaked days before the finale, Jon Snow’s eyes definitely go white as if he is warging(?) into ghost. It appears the show decided to cut that out last minute as the other screen caps proved correct.

That’s gotta be a total Chekov’s warging.

Nor that the book versions of all the Stark narrators (sorry, Rickon) who still have living Direwolves (sorry, Sansa) have been hinted to have warging powers. I’m still waiting for the show to give us some of Arya’s wolf dreams, and I seem to recall the connection between Robb and Gray Wind on the field of battle

I agree. It’s the best running music player because I don’t appreciate running with a phablet attached to my arm :]

Where have I seen this UI before...

Nothing like putting radio on the internet.

Amazon is good enough for me. Of course, I’m more interested in playing my own shitload of MP3s than the social aspect of it and it costs me like $20 a year (grandfathered in) to keep them there.

Now playing

This is all that matters. The rest of the episode can bite me.