
NCAR Boulder, CO

hell yeah, I remember it coming out freshman year. Superb album, was always in the Discman!

"5) Deanna and her husband are sad their douchebag son is dead, and celebrate his life by remembering his godawful taste in music."

Nine Inch Nails is not godawful music. In fact, it's exactly what I would listen to during a zombie apocalypse.

mid-size car.

They're making me stay in work when it's all sunny outside...


That was some Conan the Barbarian level shit right there. "Mother Dick!" is the new "Crom!".

Yeah it was some sort of Dying Light rebar mace and concrete. It was awesome.

I think Android does only if you actively use Google Voice, which isn't the standard call-receiving system on their phones.

I want so badly to try + love EOS, but as far as I've seen, they don't make a version with SPF in it. If I don't have SPF in my lip balm (and face lotion, and lipstick, and foundation), it's fever blister city on my lips.

I want so badly to try + love EOS, but as far as I've seen, they don't make a version with SPF in it. If I don't

But will it be this season she meets her future husband, Jack Sparrow?

Or at the very least, at "hot" detector:

im going to miss the fuck out of this show when it finishes.

From the law offices of Fwar, Dips, Winshares, Gritt, Nelsson, Woba, Eraplus, Zswing, Rângé-Factor, Heart, Babip, Pecota, Vorp, & Eckstein, LLC:

I don't think I've ever had a bigger "OHMYGOD" moment while watching a show than I did when I realized that it was Bill Murray in the casket in the second episode.

You are technically correct. The best kind of correct! :)

Well, Matthew Rhys is Welsh.

The Balon Brothers' Drama has definitely been cut. They were not cast for this season, it's unlikely that they'd delay that thing to a later season. Also, I suspect that the show-runners just don't like the idea of magic horns.