
Not so much watching as playing, but for me, it has to be Skyrim. Entire weekends were lost to this game.

Poe Dameron, not to be confused with Poe, Cameron:

So he was right all along...

Now playing

it is very subjective yes. So I'm going to share that a few scores from the DK trilogy are in my playlist because they get me pumped for working out XD. Also "In the House, In a Heartbeat" (28 Days Later/Kick-Ass) gets me going, I feel like running from zombies.

What about 'Pacific Rim'? I loved that score. It's the first soundtrack I bought since 'Scott Pilgrim'.

I thought Dark Knights' was pretty awesome. Each to his own, of course a lot of people would swear by Danny Eflman's score and won't even consider Hans' work.

I thought the main theme from JJ Trek was pretty damn good - 'Enterprising Young Men.'

Harry Potter is the other one that popped into my head.

I really do think it's a case of films being pumped out so quickly now that composers don't have the necessary time to really dig in and produce their best work. When you look at, as Mr. X points out, Howard Shore's LotR scores, he was working alongside Peter Jackson for years and it shows...those are among the best

Second this. Best matchstick/brimstone flavors from any American whiskey I've ever tasted (source: bartender/drunk person)

I've always been confused by this: what does a jock strap sans cup do for anyone? I grew up playing baseball and football, and to this day I don't understand why any guy would wear a jock strap unless it was to support a cup that provides some actual protection.

Jimmy knew someone would post this.

Technically this is not true. DOs take the COMLEX boards (I, II, III) while MDs are required to take the USMLE/NBME boards (I, II, III). The residency boards MDs and DOs take after completing their respective residencies are the same. USMLE boards are more difficult than Comlex boards.

I go there too sometimes, but most of the pads here are actually MORE comfortable (for one person...) thanks to their superior support. And, anytime nighttime temps drop below about 45 degrees, those big air beds will literally freeze your ass off.

To this day, the Denver song will pop into my head periodically. I'm 32 years old.

I don't know about the show itself, but the theme song has been stuck in my head ever since i was a kid, listening to it now, it is still as great as ever.

If you could provide even the dimmest scientific basis for that theory, then you might have something that would work in science fiction. As it is, you're dealing with some "Golden Compass" style science-fantasy.