
Nah ... just another distraction. This is the kind of shit that Trump feeds on and is able to deflect attention away from the real bad shit with.

Sounds about right.

You still can. Go to fi.google.com and there’s a link for Google Voice all the way at the bottom. All your voicemail is transcribed and play-able there.

I really wanted to like this knife, but it’s just too light and the ergonomics don’t work for my hand. I suspect mileage will vary person to person.

I really wanted to like this knife, but it’s just too light and the ergonomics don’t work for my hand. I suspect

Don’t disagree with you - I’d rather that the price be was it is also with no foolishness ... I have no love for Xfinity, and the day that they refuse to keep my price reasonable is the day I cancel my cable w/o looking back. But for now the price I pay is objectively a good deal for the content I want + the

Usenet vs. officially sanctioned methods of getting content isn’t really an apples-to-apples comparison though. Sure I could just use torrents/usenet/etc. + Plex for all my content and it’d be cheaper, but that’s kindof missing the point. I don’t mind paying for content that I enjoy.

Me, when my promo ends: “Hello, I’d like to cancel my service, my cable costs too much.”

Yea that’s what has prevented me from cutting the cord - after all the fees and whatnot my Xfinity bill is ~$120 - that includes HBO and some other movie channels.

are the $20 humidifiers gone? Seem to be $35 now.

are the $20 humidifiers gone? Seem to be $35 now.

“Also beware of the shipping charges.”

IMO that $155K in cash is just being wasted. If it were me, I’d set aside a 6 months to 1 yr of living expenses, and then put the rest in low fee Vanguard funds. I’d definitely max out annual contributions to your 401(k) or you could start a separate IRA to reduce taxable income, then put the rest into taxable account

Nah. I’ve worked from home for 8+ years. Comfort >> tricking myself into being productive by wearing khakis.

Rotten Tomatoes ratings among top critics for those films (and yea, Tomatoes isn’t the definitive judge of if a movie was good or bad, but it gives a good snapshot on how it was generally received):

You don’t seem to understand how forecast models work. I use them for a living (in a very different field, but there are some similarities). When reading a news story about the latest climate projections, do you scold the scientists for not giving you a 100% definitive answer? A bit disappointing for a writer on a

Ah I see they put GPS in the 2nd version of the Apple Watch, good deal. Yea those would really be my only requirements if I were in the market for a smart watch; I agree they seem to be most useful as companions to phones, with some exceptions (ie fitness tracker).

I think the Fit2 can play (locally stored) music and use GPS independent of a phone, which is very useful for running and other activities, and I’d think is a main reason people buying a smartwatch would want one that has decent functionality without a phone.

Now playing

I really hope on the night of the 8th when they announce that AZ has gone blue, the curtain at the victory party stage opens and out walks Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham, they play one song (see below), drop the mic, and then Hillary walks out like a boss. Aw yea.

I’ve always worn silk liner socks under my hiking socks. Serves the same purpose, but seems like they’d be cooler and less bulky than wool dress socks.

The two I mentioned work well- Pocket Casts and BeyondPod.