
Yes, they’re great for mixed use. They are lightweight and pretty much run just like a normal low-profile shoe (4mm heel to toe drop). Obviously more traction, but it doesn’t get in the way much. On the other end of the spectrum I’ve used them on 15 mile hikes with lots of scrambling and loose rock, and they hold up

Silk sock liners are awesome for keeping feet warm and add very little bulk under normal socks.

I work remotely as well; use web conferencing and Google Drive (and the old fashioned phone) sometimes, but email is definitely king.

Wasn’t the $599 deal for the D-series, not the M-series?

Wasn’t the $599 deal for the D-series, not the M-series?

Now playing

Currently: The Leftovers season 2 credits. I know I’m not the only one that sings along!

Yea I wouldn’t be surprised if they come down to ~$2000 in next year or two, I think LG is ramping up production.

This. Email is still the standard for many industries, doesn’t matter what your age is. I’m mid-30’s, in an engineering/consulting field, and communicate with people aged their from mid-20’s to almost 70 for work, and email is by far the most common method. Having a searchable database of the majority of my

This. I bought my first HDTV 8 years ago and made sure to get 1080, so it still holds up decently today. Probably will get a new one next year and will definitely be going 4k (and hopefully OLED if the prices come down a bit!)

“Amazon will sell me a 55-inch M-Series for just $800. It’s $850 plus shipping for non-Prime members. (The 60-inch isn’t worth the extra money to me.) Best Buy has the same 55-inch TV on sale for $700.”

Monster? The inventor of the $100 HDMI cable? No thanks ... save yourself $50 and get better quality to boot (Wirecutter’s recommendation):

Yea, I’m waiting for OLEDs to come down in price (hopefully next year) as they are much better for off-angle viewing than LEDs right now. The only decent viewing angles for LEDs have IPS panels, and those have shitty contrast and black levels. The current crop of LG OLED TVs are supposed to be great.

Yea, I’m waiting for OLEDs to come down in price (hopefully next year) as they are much better for off-angle viewing

Actually Vizio’s higher-end models (M-Series) rate quite well for picture quality this year. The D-Series is gonna be a step down in quality though, probably worth the extra $ to go w/ the M-Series. Definitely not the same as no-name Walmart brands.

Actually Vizio’s higher-end models (M-Series) rate quite well for picture quality this year. The D-Series is gonna

There are plenty of 4k tv’s with low input lag for gaming. This site is awesome in comparing tv’s:

There are plenty of 4k tv’s with low input lag for gaming. This site is awesome in comparing tv’s:

Skyrim was the first Bethesda game I ever played, and for the first few weeks I didn’t even know you could fast travel (I hadn’t owned a console since 2000 before getting a PS3 in 2012). So when I learned about fast travel, I would occasionally use it when really into a quest, but mostly I still preferred to wander

For example, did the OBs at your hospital ask women whether they wanted antibiotics in labor if they were GBS positive, or was that a guideline they were afraid to depart from even though the evidence is equivocal?

“ If you want care that’s based more on scientific knowledge than “we’ve always done it this way,” you’re often more likely to get that with a midwife than a doctor.”

Depends on your situation. I just refinanced our student loan debt to 5 yr variable rate loan (currently at 1.9%). Even if rates jump a decent amount over that period, I’m still saving a lot vs. the 6+% rate I had before.

Edit - old post, whoops

I’m with you - I like the thought of cutting the cord in concept, but in practice when I run the numbers, I’d pay about the same to get all the content I want, with more hassle. So I just stay with Comcast (who I have to pay for internet anyway) and call every couple years to keep my promotional rate.

ha me too, at the time $350 was still the best 1 TB SSD deal I could find!

ha me too, at the time $350 was still the best 1 TB SSD deal I could find!