
Yea I was paying for Google music, but when Amazon added music to Prime, that was all I needed. Sure the selection isn’t as vast as Apple or Spotify, but I already would be a Prime subscriber, so it’s effectively free for me.

I mean, I’m old in terms of the internet ( not in real life goddamnit!), and ripped my CD collection to mp3’s long ago, yet I like listening to new music as well, so streaming services are nice for that. Personally I use Amazon prime music since I pay for prime anyway, and occasionally free Pandora.

Dude, take it easy on the wristbands. This isn’t 2004, everyone hates Lance Armstrong now.

Maybe not though? He might be a patsy for the real harpy leader:

Shameless is really good, and I still watch Homeland even though it’s not as great anymore. That’s about it for Showtime for me ... although some folks do recommend Penny Dreadful as being worthwhile.

I dunno, from the folks I follow on twitter and a couple of forums I frequent, the initial reactions seemed to be mostly that Shireen’s death put a big damper on Dany/Drogon’s awesome moment.

Minor quibble of the week: Jon & the wildlings traveled from Hardhome via the sea, which would mean they had to land at Eastwatch then travel by foot to Castle Black, south of the Wall. So why did they have to come through the gate?? I mean, the answer is so they could have the dramatic stare-down w/ Thorne, but

I like this one too.

Now playing

Moody Blues was peak dad music in my house.

Yup that’s a new one to me. In my experience the opposite is true; people typically associate type 2 diabetes with poorer regions.

$18k is the annual limit.

Letterman likes Manning because Indy. And appears that Fey has been on his show 20 times since 2001, so clearly they like each other.

Why? Money. I’d imagine profit margins are slim in the industry. Only way to make money is by transporting the lots of stuff in as little time as possible.

You really think they’ll be worse than human drivers? Computers don’t get tired.

Was hoping someone had posted this. First thing I thought of.

Ah, makes me happy to work from home for a small company where employees just buy our own computers and equipment and get reimbursed. Sure, it’s still a company computer, but there’s no corporate IT software on it (because we don’t have an IT department per se), so I don’t feel bad keeping personal docs and pictures,

Yup Southwest is the best (especially if you live in city where they have a lot of flights out of). Through their credit cards and promotions I currently have a companion pass and A-List status, which has saved me a ton of $$ the past year.

I think he needs Lasik or bifocals, his depth perception is all fucked up.

That’s what my actual dog does.

I cut out weeknight drinking when at home (I’ll still indulge in the occasional happy hour with friends) and it’s definitely helped. One or two beers or glasses of wine a night really adds up.