"showering, gym, cologne, dressing up, doing hair, fresh breath, red bull, etc followed by intercourse that might (with foreplay) last 20 minutes."
"showering, gym, cologne, dressing up, doing hair, fresh breath, red bull, etc followed by intercourse that might (with foreplay) last 20 minutes."
Can't MGP-sourced ryes be aged differently though?
Aren't Old Overholt and Rittenhouse in the same price range? At least here in the Denver area they're usually low- to mid- $20's, so I always just go with Rittenhouse if it's between those two. I guess maybe in some cities where Rittenhouse has become especially hip they can charge a $10 premium?
Around my parts Bulleit is one of the cheaper (g00d) rye's you can get (~$22), and despite it's bulk-rye distillation it's still plenty tasty. Which MGP rye's are you referring to that are that much less $$ than Bulleit?
Yea, but this time they beat Arizona in the Elite 8 and will play Kentucky in the Final Four, which makes for a much bigger moment ... oh wait.
I think a good chunk of Craigslist sales fall into the "Online Garage Sales" which generally aren't taxed. If you're flipping items on craigslist for profit you're already supposed to report those on your taxes .... but no way they're going to do the legwork to see if you're selling it for more than you originally…
edit - wrong post, whoops
My PI didn't get tenure until after I finished my masters' ... I think it was actually good because he was still "hungry" and really cared about doing good work. I found that some of the older tenured faculty were a bit more detached... not all of them of course, but as long as they have a good track record of…
That or find a program that will pay your tuition + a stipend to do research.
Me too. Bought a house last year, and the credit card use piled up with all the little projects since. So many expenses here and there that added up. Thankfully said house also is giving us a large refund this year, through the magic of the mortgage interest deduction!
I don't necessarily agree with point #1. From personal observations (and my own experience), a lot of the time students who worked for a few years in between undergrad and grad school were better adjusted and able to handle things. I for one appreciated being a student much more than if I would have muscled through…
Make sure to enjoy your time in grad school. Yea, the workload can suck, and I had plenty of late late nights finishing up my master's thesis ... but it was also the last time I could set my schedule on my own terms. Take a month off in the summer to travel the country? Take long weekends here and there to visit…
Wait ... I thought the post on Gawker last night said she's not mentally ill?
Amazon Prime yo.
Easy way to increase fruit consumption : smoothies. I usually make them with fresh bananas and frozen strawberries (4lb bag from Costco FTW). Add in a spoonful of peanut butter, some unsweetened yogurt, and a bit of liquid (almond milk, etc). You can even add some spinach or kale if you want to add a vegetable…
Yea the only streaming stick I can think of that has native volume control is the Chromecast.
Yea the only streaming stick I can think of that has native volume control is the Chromecast.
student loan interest isn't complicated. You don't have to itemize to deduct it. For other situations I agree, hire a pro, but if your only 'complication' is student loan interest, tax software (or heck just fill out the 1040a pdf) is fine.
student loan interest isn't complicated. You don't have to itemize to deduct it. For other situations I agree, hire…
Best way to hedge risk would be to spread out that $5500 evenly over the course of the year, no? For long term (retirement) investing I think that's generally the best strategy - just keep depositing on regular intervals (ie monthly) instead of trying to "optimize" the best times to buy.
Your last sentence did a nice job to sum up why everyone hates Duke. Fans of less-hateable teams don't brag about how committed and well rounded they are.
Same reason dipshits across the country are Yankees and Cowboys fans.