
Considering they haven't even granted Xfinity/Comcast customers HBO Go access on Roku, I wouldn't hold your hopes up. Although TWC allowed put their app on Roku, so maybe with the merger Comcast will get their shit together (or, they'll just f-over TWC customers).

I think they mean initiating the streaming directly from a smartphone/tablet app (like Chromecast). That could be considered advantageous because the Netflix UI on a phone is better than the Roku Netlix interface, at least for browsing and searching for content. For just streaming on your queue or recently watched

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And then the rain came and washed it away.

I ended up switching to 1W from Yahoo - I love Yahoo's design, but like you said, the radar sucks, and more importantly, the location functions were glitchy for me; it would take a long time for the "current location" tab to switch to my actual location, and the widget often wouldn't update. And sometimes my other

I lived in North Carolina, the land of Kenny Powers, for 8 years, so it's ok.

So we're all in agreement that the hunter in the video sounds exactly like Kenny Fucking Powers, right?

Definitely get a screwdriver with interchangeable heads. The day I realized I could put a hex bit on a screwdriver and stop using those little hand-destroying allen wrenches that come with Ikea furniture and the like was a good day indeed.

I'm guessing undercooked in this case = still frozen in the middle. A filet-o-fishcicle!

Bumping turnout by appealing to single-issue voters certainly works - just ask Karl Rove, circa 2004. Thankfully his anti-gay-marriage empire has crumbled (in many states, at least) away just 10 years later.

"filet means fish and fish should always be cooked all the way"

I work for a engineering/consulting company - we've gotten bonuses and 401k profit-sharing every year that I've worked there - including during the 08-09 recession. They base it on how the company does as a whole - so as long as they're turning a profit, they share it with employees. it's a small company thought, no

And actually they charge less for a checked bag if you pay online (I think it's just $15 if you sign up for their free FF program). So on the rare occasion I fly with them (I'm usually with SW if possible) I just check a bag for cheap and carry on a small backpack for under my seat. I prefer not dragging a roller bag

"If time's not an issue, might be the way to go."

Having grown up in Maine, I can verify that most people there don't give a shit about college football (hence no one team getting more than 8-9% support), and those that do care root for bandwagon teams such as Florida, Notre Dame and Ohio State.

I've had a couple Chase cards for years and they've always been good with stuff like this - couple of late payments due to my banks bill-pay being delayed, no problem, fees waived. Stolen wallet, they were quick to cancel the charges and send new cards. And they were very proactive with the Target breach last year.

I have a new Sony soundbar - the HT-CT-370 and love it. 3 HDMI's in means it handles my device switching, it has a very low profile, and sounds great.

I have a new Sony soundbar - the HT-CT-370 and love it. 3 HDMI's in means it handles my device switching, it has a

I have this and it sounds pretty great with my Playstation:

I have this and it sounds pretty great with my Playstation:

Depends where you're flying I suppose. I live in Denver, which is a Southwest hub, so there are often pretty good deals most places I fly that have SW service. I can usually get a round trip flight to either coast (Boston, Raleigh, Newark, San Fran, etc.) for around $250-$350.

Yep - and new vinyl often comes w/ free digital download of the album as well, so you can still listen anywhere.