
Just curious, what's acceptable for you for the 3rd Gen? I recently sold our base-model 1st gen for $165 on Ebay (and bought a Nexus 7 for $145!), I remember seeing the 3rd Gen's going for $300-$350+ which seemed reasonable.

#1 ... back in 2005-2007 when I was starting my professional career, so many people told me I needed to buy buy buy, and I was throwing my money out with rent. Well fast forward to now, and I still know people that bought house/townhomes/condos back then and their properties are still worth less than what they paid,

I've always used namebench to figure out which DNS server to use, seems to work well:

Yea that's what I've always done, seems to work fine. But maybe I'm woefully uninformed?

75%?? That's like 2000 vertical feet over 1/2 mile.

I have a vaporizer, and love it. But sometimes nothing beats smoking a nice joint or bowl (or even a spliff, sacrilege, I know!). Same I guess as how I don't smoke cigarettes or anything, but once in a while (every 2-3 months, maybe?) I'll indulge with a cigar or some nice pipe tobacco.

Was this guy involved in the experiments?

Both. I have an Ethernet connection going to my desk and docking station (it's relatively close to my router), and use wifi for the rest of the house. Having the wired connection at my desk is nice because my work laptop is 5+ years old and doesn't have wireless N, so it would be sad and slow without the ethernet.

Yes, but the author works in media, and therefore probably follows/ is friends with a lot of other media types as part of his job, and those are the types who are especially prone to posting about stuff on tv right as it airs.

I think io9 needs to do an extensive analysis of Badger's Star Trek fan-fic from last night's Breaking Bad:

Magical Cialis for wizard hats.

I've always been partial to the Michael Hague illustrations from the version I had as a kid. His Beorn is pretty badass:

Android makes it pretty easy to allow automatic backups to Google+, unlimited if you let it resize to 2048 for the longest edge (which is probably fine for most "regular people").

Exactly ... the fact that they got into Harvard means they excelled in high school, and it enabled them to meet the people needed to put their careers in motion. It's not like they just graduated high school and magically started Microsoft/Facebook.

I think it's safe to assume that Spike Lee has a smartphone, and therefore we can make fun of him for taking a picture w/ an iPad.

Safety razor FTW, once you invest in the razor ($20-$40 depending on what you get) the blades are like $10 for 100 , and it makes for a much better shave.

An oven braise can work - dry rub the ribs and let sit in the fridge for a while (overnight if you want), then place in a large pan that can hold them braising liquid, make your braise out of good salty/sweet elements - stock, beer, cola, bourbon, soy sauce, etc. Add enough liquid to just cover the ribs, braise

Who goes around bragging about smoking weed? Are all your friends 15? I live in Colorado and marijuana use is pretty ubiquitous among a lot of my peers (30-something professionals), and no one talks up their use of it, no more than maybe saying how they got to try a nice bourbon the other night or something.

It's actually pretty recent, 2003. It was a national monument before that:

In Denver there's a section on the back where you can sign a statement affirming that it wasn't you driving. You can volunteer to name who was driving, but aren't required to.