
Any app that needs it has it built it (the settings soft button mentioned above). As far as having the menu button to easily access the settings, which I used it for on my old phones, that can now be done through the notification slide-down menu.

"The only work that'd remain is figuring out a means of controlling such a big phone, comfortably, with one hand, or retooling the whole device to make better sense with two mitts. "

The surprise was ruined for me because the "previously on the Walking Dead" segment included a S1 scene of Rick on the walkie, so I figured Morgan would be reappearing. Didn't lessen the awesomeness of this episode at all, though.

Now playing

Yea man, not a security guard in site ... looked super dangerous for the Dookies.

Uh episode 9 dude. Might want to check that title again.

"Baelor" was the 9th episode of season 1 ... a lot of dramas like to have stuff like that happen in the penultimate episode.

Who are you calling a rich douche?

I blame Romneycare.

~9 million subscribers ... (about 10% of VZW for comparison) ... of those 9 million I'm sure there are more than a few that would appreciate some actual reviews of their available HW.

You do realize you only pay interest if you carry a balance from one month to the next, right? You don't get charged interest if you pay off the full amount every month. I use my rewards credit card pretty much exclusively for all my spending, and haven't paid a cent of interest in over 5 years.

It is if you pay it off in full every month.

No thanks. I already use these two tools (oxo tongs & a microplane grater) all the time in the kitchen for such tasks as described above, plus a whole lot more, and this would just be a poor substitute for both.

Certain synthetic materials that some running shirts are made of will cheese-grate the beejesus out of your nipples if you don't protect them during longer runs. I prefer Bodyglide (vaseline works too in a pinch, but can make gross oily looks spots on your shirt) over band-aids ... mostly because ripping chest hair

Actually Colorado is fairly solid on LGBT issues, tied for 7th nationwide on this scorecard with Washington, NY, Mass. and Illinois(I admittedly can't vouch for this site, but it seems like a good summary):

Thanks! I did my first one last year, then got out of the running routine for a while, so hoping to be able to get back into training at beat my previous time.

I agree ... I'm in better shape when I'm into something fun, like mountain biking, or working towards a goal, like a half marathon later this year. Working out for the sake of working out can be a drag.

Now playing

I'm still partial to the Peanuts version.

Ah yes Marathon, good times, I spent many hours in my youth on that series However, it was not Bungie's original FPS. That honor goes to Pathways into Darkness. I remember playing it on my family's LC III.

Earlier this month:

Sweet! I've been wanting to get into this show, was hoping past seasons would be available on Prime at some point.