
For $100 I'd go with your former overlord's (BLam) choice for a value router. Sounds like you get more oomph for your buck than the Airport ...

Nexus 4 is $300 unlocked ... and will work on all the gsm no-contract carriers.

Exactly, that was my only point ...

Laptops ... connecting to computers ... the future is now!!

Uh, that was uncalled for. Why so emotional?

Re: Breaking Bad "most of you are watching it on a laptop".

Dogs aren't allowed in public spaces? Huh?

I was the reverse ... got like a 780 or 790 on math and a 500 (if that) on verbal. Did ok on the writing. But hey, I was applying to engineering grad school, so I guess they didn't care so much about the verbal score.

Now playing

We should all be worried if Siri learns to read lips.

Being able to chew on your 'stache is a plus, not a negative. You're guaranteed never to be bored.

No thanks. If it's truly too nasty outside to run, I'll just do some squats and whatnot in my basement. Or watch tv and have a beer. Because winter is ski season, and squats & beer are the only conditioning you really need.

We pay extra for the iPhone? $199 is pretty standard for a high-end subsidized phone of any brand...

So you're saying there's still a chance for Ser Pounce to claim the throne?! I bet his sigil would be awesome.

Kindle if I'm flying. My old trusty Sansa Clip for the car.

uh... yea I guess I'm guilty. I just rake them into piles then shove them into bags. I have a small yard though so never really takes long anyway.

I definitely don't want IMs popping up when I'm reading. To me, a benefit of a dedicated e-reader is that it doesn't try to do everything. Add all that stuff and you just add cost and weight.

I read somewhere that they are non-standardized on purpose ... so the evil-doers can't as easily figure out how to breach security.

A lot of the airports (Denver is my home airport) I go through these days use the millimeter wave scanners as the primary screening for everyone, the metal detectors seem to be backup and just used for families with kids or whatnot.

if i'm just sending a link from my computer to my phone, I just use gmail, since I always have it open in my browser anyway, and it shows up instantly on my (Android) phone.

"so keep both of them in hand from the time you get your boarding pass until you reach the checkpoint, then stuff them in a back pocket while you're getting scanned."