
How often do you actually need to cold start a phone? Unless you're flying all the time or in other situations that require the phone to be completely off...

Maybe they need split credits .... Jesse/Walt for Gale and Walt/Tio for Fring. Then again, I'm splitting hairs on some random infographic. Probably because I have to wait 10 months until we get to see how Gilligan wraps this mofo up.

Spoilers for season finale...

Sprint: Unless you make a lot of calls to landlines there is no reason to choose their "Simply Everything" plan ... the Unlimited Data plans are likely fine for the majority of readers as they include unlimited calls to other mobile phones.

I can totally picture Jon Woo yelling that and the result is this Nic Cage face.

No Timbuk2 love? I've had my Commute bag for 8 years the thing is indestructible.

Also, the impact on sensitivity by adult circumcision may be different than when it is performed on a newborn.

What's the HIPPA issue? I know at the hospital my wife works at they have software to access patient charts through their server on tablets and phones, seems like they've already sorted that out.

This is a little specialized, but I could see a 7" tablet fitting in nicely with certain work environments. For example at hospitals, an iPad sized tablet is too big to stuff in your coat pocket and carry around all day, but a 7" tablet would fit perfectly while also being much more usable than a phone as far as

It's only a matter of time until this technology evolves to its logical conclusion:

Yea that's jogging, not running. But I guess you have to start somewhere...

"It's estimated, for example, that in the US, withdrawn surface water and groundwater use for crop irrigation exceeds that for livestock by about a ratio of 60:1."

I've become a complete Amazon disciple w/ Prime. I even buy dog food from them now ... A 35 lb bag of food delivered within 2 days, for free, saving me a trip to the pet store? Yes please.

Wasn't the Nexus S in the lawsuit?

Well they scared me straight. No more Kazaa from now on! Morpheus is still safe, right?

This is awesome, FNL has been on my need to watch list for a while.

I have a heavy-duty Pioneer amplifier from the 80's, hooked up to an old Bang & Olufsen turntable and some floor speakers. Sounds fan-freaking-tastic.

Eh, she's wearing body paint and a merkin, safe enough for me.

Yep (well minus the car insurance, didn't have one in college ... bummed rides off of my more fortunate friends - it also helped to be in a city w/ a subway system).