
OK everyone, let’s find more racist shit he has said and BURN HIM DOWN Donald Sterling Style. Force that wrinkly dickhead to sell his franchise and give half the proceeds to the NAACP.

+1 song I like followed by 42 minutes of caterwauling and bad guitar feedback noise

His name isn’t Burfict, so no

Dusty Baker?

New green chili spicy chip soon to be sold at local dispensaries:


Am I speaking to Alexa, Siri, or Cortana?

I should clarify, I was referring to the planned obsolescence of so many devices. This stuff becomes useless and unsupported before it actually breaks or ceases to function.

The problem with overcrowding at national parks is not a matter of a lack of space, it is a matter of laughably underdeveloped infrastructure, because they don’t have the budget to improve it. Having a larger number and more efficient entry points alone would have a huge impact on the perception of overcrowding at the

Lockheed Martin would throw a shit-fit if it meant a penny less for them from defense spending.

yeah, that’s the kind of stuff that drives me crazy. All this technology shit is designed to last for exactly 45 days until there is something new and shinier, and they throw support in the trash because no one makes them keep on top of it.

that’s the issue, no one is sitting in a van down the block listening to you talk to your family. You have incredibly smart and motivated technology companies automatically collecting and processing the data and aggregating it to take advantage of you. For example, they would be able to show you targeted ads for where

The Astros were moved to the AL a few years ago

Thanks, Hannah. As you mention it is imperative for men to think back on past experiences and take ownership and feel guilt and shame for things they have done that are not right. As stupid as it is, men are consistently in a position of power (in many ways) and so the onus of changing culture resides squarely on us.

better than Andrew Luck

Oh shit, anti-semitism claims, anti-Irish shit talking, DEAD BABY JOKES. Buckle up boys and girls, no one knows where this train is headed.

it was referenced in curb your enthusiasm

Holy shit. is this real?