
if you don’t have an 80% off coupon, it is unnaffordable

with less drinking, probably

Sears is bad. I bought a couple of wrenches online for pickup once, and it took me 45 minutes. I already paid for the damn things and it still took that long to get someone with more than 3 non-chemically altered brain cells to give me my fucking box. Every single Sears location could spontaneously combust and it

I hate Ikea. Why do we have to walk around EVERY FUCKING FAKE ROOM! the worst is when we get to the end, and my lovely wife decides she wants something we saw at the beginning and we have to find away back to the beginning to retrieve a Klornfarg.

I worked in Chicago for a while and I can say with absolute confidence that Chicago generally is full of shit and very confident about it. It’s like how our president lies about verifiable facts and it never occurs to him that he wasn’t right.

Je suis Baseball

wait, those don’t come from actual buffaloes?

i thought the same thing.

Goddammit! It’s like the stone masons designed this as a follow up to the back of the dollar bill. Is there a fucking eyeball pyramid in this thing too?

just a Minnesota landscape in a funny shape.


EL Baseball, which I believe is French for “the baseball”

It can’t be a bear. They would be the MN Bears then.

turtles all the way down, man

could also be an oyster giving up it’s pearl

I like the left-facing deranged pacman view of the logo

I honestly like it less now that I know it is an animal shape. I liked it better when it was just a landscape.

a tasteful MN landscape in a weird shape

I am dead serious, never saw it.

Honestly, I just thought it was a tasteful MN landscape of the WILDerness. I am now learning there are lots of other logos with hidden letters in it that I never noticed. I think my visual cortex is broke.