Why would you give this post that title? Have you seen the commenters on this site?
Hmm. Okay.
@Lazzzara: (Looks up, having heard nothing but the end) Huh? You can increase the size of my wang? Do you take American Express?
(Sigh) This, and the Net Neutrality stuff... I used to trust Google. Now, I don't know anymore.
@Gary_7vn: Nope, he sold the Segway a few months ago.
"Poor excuse for a communication device"?
"located in New Jersey of all places"
But wouldn't the app had to have been a much larger file than the average flashlight app? How didn't Apple pick up on that?
@PJ Edwards: But an editorial here on Gizmodo a few weeks back made a good point: these crap 3D movies are going to sour people to the whole idea. It won't matter that it'll be in 3D, no one will care anymore.
@Gaucho85: What's diversity?