
Why would you give this post that title? Have you seen the commenters on this site?

Hmm. Okay.

@Lazzzara: (Looks up, having heard nothing but the end) Huh? You can increase the size of my wang? Do you take American Express?

(Sigh) This, and the Net Neutrality stuff... I used to trust Google. Now, I don't know anymore.

@Gary_7vn: Nope, he sold the Segway a few months ago.

"They are trying to make me an escape goat."

"Poor excuse for a communication device"?

"located in New Jersey of all places"

But wouldn't the app had to have been a much larger file than the average flashlight app? How didn't Apple pick up on that?

@PJ Edwards: But an editorial here on Gizmodo a few weeks back made a good point: these crap 3D movies are going to sour people to the whole idea. It won't matter that it'll be in 3D, no one will care anymore.

This isn't the last we'll see of 3D. It comes back every few years, seeming like a cool new idea.. But it never is.