
I'm not sure if you've gotten through S1 yet, but I think I can say this without spoiling it either way. Mandy does disappear between 1 and 2, but it is never addressed directly. However, from the events at the end of S1, I think it's possible to assume she was murdered. I like to think of it that way, because she

It's more than politics. It's about looking the work as a whole, then breaking down it's components. This is the penultimate episode of the show, and there were stories with numerous characters, like Will, Sloan, Mack, Maggie, Jim, and Charlie, as well as Pruit, that took up most of the screen time. Those stories

I think, to add to your point, this was the second to last episode and this was a stuffed plot. It was enough to have her win the debate in the dorm on a pressing social issue, while still giving Don the ability to take a stand for the show's main theme of journalistic integrity, but it also helped get the show in

I'm completely with you on this one. I think it's throwing a lot of people off because this plotline is as complex as Sorkin written for this show. This show's failure has been that he takes these fairly straight forward, absolute, socio-political stances and breaks them down into faux-debates with his witty,

Sorkin was really pushing it there when he basically asked us to choose between being on the side of anti-Semitism or on the side of Will Mcavoy- no middle ground. That decision gave the majority of this show's fleeting audience much more pause than Sorkin intended.

McConaughey was great in that role, but I think it was so ripe for parody, and that probably gave it some detractors. I also thought Woody was about as good in his role, even though it had a little less flare.

I thought everyone agreed she was an alty rapper when she got famous and won Grammy's like a whole damn year ago. (Seriously, MTV is awarded that song pretty damn late in the game.)

It is interesting, and a little encouraging, to see how quickly homophobic slurs have been pushed to the fringes of our cultural lexicon. I'm 25 now, and I remember growing up, describing your boredom or mild displeasure with a situation or inanimate object was best achieved by calling it "gay." The reflex, offhand

That made my day so much better. Apparently new people wander in there all the time on the direction of @Reposted a a7x fan. If can take a cue from Reposted and just share for a moment:

He just linked me here today, when I finally asked him about his long running and prolific gimmick. Also for explanation, he reposted what somebody else wrote about what the a7x fan gimmick meant for another person who had asked a couple weeks ago (if that makes sense). Basically, @reposted a7x fan actually reposted

I agree on all counts. I don't know if this is some kind of classic, semi-secret AV Club landmark. I started on here a few months before the new site opened. I'm mostly over there because it is amazing (I think we've spoken there), but I still post on shows here sometimes. But this is the first time I've been to this

Ah, I thought he'd never been unmasked and you did some kind of detective work… or he was your alter-ego. I just read that review seconds ago, and I'm about to did into the comments.

Can I ask how you came to connect the inspiration to his whole modus operandi? I actually asked reposted a7x how he came to be a couple days ago on another page, and he reposted your comment here.

I asked him about it two days ago on the article about the real life Larry Bloom from Orange is the New Black. He replied with @Miller's post. I asked him if his reply was his own or a repost, and he linked it here

That is a very interesting living, even evolving, museum of a piece of pop culture history. And it's captivating you've kept it up this long; it obviously garners interest from others. Just so we're straight, you reposted the comment directly above this from someone else? If there's a way for you to reply to that by

The backstory is a repost of someone posting about him it looks like.

Wait, he gave his story in a repost, I think.

He gave me his backstory at the top of this thread under newest if you care to see.

He replied to me up above and gave his persona backstory in an interesting paragraph. You can find it near the top of the thread in newest. I feel like I uncovered some grand secret to be shouted from the hill tops

He replied to me in this thread, when I asked who he was. It's somewhere around here. It's a pretty articulate, interesting origins paragraph.