Ororo Munroe 2.0

I am pretty confident that Samantha’s outlets of choice (TMZ/Piers) will all stop caring about her soon after the wedding. But we’ll see!

Apparently she’s in Europe now so she might be a guest.

Um, Gina Torres, our one true goddess is on Suits?!! She’s right there in the picture!

The cops SHOULD start arresting people for making these calls. It’s racism, it’s harassment, and it wastes the time of the cops. (That’s our tax dollars being wasted.) I know there are laws against frivolous use of emergency services....why aren’t they enforced?

My God. Give these White women back their opiods. Hell, put it in their lattes and brewed teas. They are cutting the eff up without it.

Because of nazi’ism.

I freaking HATE you. ctfu

Whine-1-1, what’s your emergency?

*cackling* This will never get old.

I get such a weird feeling when I see video of police doing the right thing.

Omg, this, fucking this is what is needed from cops, people minding their own business and shutting the fuck up. I am glad they told that fucking lady what is what, people are tired of that shit and need to make them shut ins so they never come out of their caves again.

That first sentence I thought you were about to go a whole different route with this comment. LOL. I think she is so strikingly pretty! She definitely has a unique look. :)

asked me to clean up her mess...


You know, if poor whites didn’t embrace a culture of poverty, and didn’t listen to artists like Johnny Cash that celebrate marital dysfunction and drug dependency, maybe we wouldn’t be seeing these problems in the white community.

C’mon, I didn’t ask for reasonable responses. Do better! ;)

An abortion.

Probably benign kidney tumor, as reported. Though a week-long stay in a hospital seems a bit excessive...as someone pointed out in the Splinter FB post, this would be an outpatient procedure for any schmuck on normal American insurance.