* Which, for the record, I secretly kind of hate because if someone tells me they’re getting a divorce and all the horrible stories of their “ex” and then gets back with them what am I supposed to do? Forget? Feel really bad???
* Which, for the record, I secretly kind of hate because if someone tells me they’re getting a divorce and all the horrible stories of their “ex” and then gets back with them what am I supposed to do? Forget? Feel really bad???
I get a similar feeling when wypipo use AAVE to seem more threatening (usually when arguing with POC).
I asked a white person what she meant by saying “Obama hasn’t done anything since taking office”. Her response was that he was supposed to help end racism, but not the country is more divided, so that was CLEARLY his fault.
One thing I notice about responses to commercials like this is that wypipo use the same language POC use when discussing racism, but they clearly don’t understand what they means, so they sound even more foolish. Like, where in this commercial do you see divisiveness, bias, hate, etc. They think if they throw in some…
One guy on the Facebook page is a cop from Nebraska with 2 black kids who was complaining that the commercial was divisive and biased. Those kids don’t stand a chance.
Quick question. Tell me if you have ever heard a celebrity/politician/TV or movie character say something like the following:
I saw a woman criticize a wedding because there was too much food at the reception. THAT IS A PERFECT WEDDING, YOU MONSTER!!!
Most of them would be terrible even without Toupee Fiasco’s goading.
He also has Yogi Bear 3D, he has nothing to lose
I was looking for a way to describe this genre, and “racism pornography” is perfect.
I’m not that surprised. I’m sure lots of people have that “suspect” family member who their parents insisted they interact with “because they’re family”, despite indications that they were predators. If people are willing to keep their children around potential predators in their family, it’s not hard to believe they…
Has anyone else seen this shit?
So, this has to be the worst take on tis situation, right?
So, we’ve got over a month of this left, huh? Fantastic.
They’re both horrible. My comments was mainly directed at those who seem to think racism is okay when it’s for publicity. Honestly, a perfect ending to this fight would be them knocking each other out at the same time and somehow not getting paid.
I’ve seen people try to defend McGregor by saying he’s just trying to stir up controversy to drum up hype for the fight. To which I say, if you have to resort to racism for people to be interested in your fight, I’m going to assume it will be a shitty fight.
Yes, so many comments are along the lines of “Who does she think she is”, “She should be more humble”, “She’s making other women feel bad”. Like they think she’s too big for her britches and needs to be knocked down a peg. When I was younger, it seemed like some celebrity was posing pregnant on the cover of a…
RIGHT! I understand people being slightly annoyed about how her fans are over the top, but Beyoncé is just doing what other women have been doing. I’ve seen lots of maternity shoots on my Facebook feed, so why is hers so bad? Because there are more props/higher production value? Plus, they forget that by putting out a…
Don’t go to the Jezebel post, it’s already a shitshow.