

Freaking THIS. “A pretty thoughtful apology,” are you KIDDING me?

I can’t overemphasize what a big impact he’s had on my life, not just because the movies he was in were such a huge part of it, but also just because of his sheer badassery. I mean seriously, what kind of life goals: Released metal albums into his 90s, spoke umpteen languages, was a LITERAL Nazi hunter during WW2, and

YES. Like, the goal was as little interference as possible, but if the need should have arisen, I know they were prepared for it. The maternity ward had their own surgery suites even.

Gotta agree with you. First baby was born in the US, and while it went about as well as was to be expected, there was still a shit ton of (pointless) intervention, and he was immediately pulled away from me for the standard weighing/measuring/poking.

Second baby was born here in Sweden, and it was a totally different

I’m an ex-pat to Sweden, and everytime my mom (bless) asks if I’d ever consider moving back to the US, my husband and I just have the biggest gales of laughter ever. I literally can’t think of a single reason I’d ever move back.

I cried after my first wedding—mostly because I really, truly, and with zero doubt didn’t want to get married to that jackass. I felt really sure my life was completely over.

Second husband, civil ceremony that took 10 minutes in the chambers of a judge who I’ve known literally since birth: We all basically laughed

Yeeeaaah, I had a bear of a time dealing with her assistant/people that run her store. I finally had to get Tess herself involved, and even then it took forever to get sorted.

Yay! SERIOUSLY man it is just the coolest group of ladies, like Idk what it is about fat chicks and being awesome, but IT JUST HAPPENS.


I run Overly Confident Fat Girls on Tumblr, and the sheer amount of hate and vitriol that my fellow fat babes receive is just...it’s mind blowing sometimes. I can’t overstate how much admiration I have for the more prominent members of the FA movement, and their ability to take it all in stride and stay awesome.

I always have this irrational fear that’s like...just going to come out. I feel like I have to check it ALL THE TIME.

I do too, actually—tampons make my cramps sooo much worse, especially after crotch fruit #2.

YES. I love stories of people getting into art, especially when it’s by way of someone so awesome.

Maaaaan my girl Frida gives me all the feelings. I look up to her so much—a mixed-race indigenous woman with chronic pain/health problems that gave a resounding “FUCK YOU” to Euro-centric ideas of beauty, and she’s like an amazing artist too??? Like seriously, I can’t even begin to explain how much she means to me,

Well gee, I’m so glad that there’s an adorable kitty mascot for this drought now, y’know, not like all the indigenous peoples that have been suffering THE MOST because of this. I mean, it’s not like the water is primarily being taken from reservations or anything—OH WAIT, that’s exactly what’s happening. But no, this

We have a huge problem here in Sweden with beggars being the victims of organized crime—they rack up debt in their homeland (usually somewhere in Eastern Europe, people of Romani descent are the usual victims), and to pay it off, they’re literally shipped here by said organizations in horrible conditions and become

As a literal card-carrying Cherokee, I would LOVE to see this. Of course, a picture of a steaming pile of shit would be an improvement over that naapikawana asa-geet Andrew Jackson, so.

Really? How long ago? I live in a small town outside of Göteborg, and there's a LOT of super passive racism that goes on, but virtually nothing actually happens.

Honestly, this is just one in a long line of examples of the Swedish legal system completely failing women, especially minors. Swedes love to paint this place as some kind of feminist Utopia (and in a lot of ways, it is), but there have been a LOT of bullshit judgements just in the few short years I've lived here.