
Or when people started applying “hero” to anyone who served in the military in any capacity. Not everyone in the military is risking life and limb. A lot of military people are mainly sitting at desks doing paperwork. That kinda devalues the actions of real heros, some of which are in the military and some of which do

“That little Timmy is a real hero.”

We settled this freaking 70+ years ago - you can’t expel students for not saying the pledge or otherwise acknowledging the flag(West Virginia v. Barnette) . You can’t expel or threaten students for taking peaceful, non-disruptive of class purpose/learning protests like silent actions/arm bands (Tinker v. Des Moines).

as bad as all those trespasses are, my biggest gripe with tom price is that he is essentially a mirror-world evil tim gunn, which should never be a thing.


Now playing

Every time I see the words “love triangle” in relation to this case, my brain inevitably goes here, for I am solidly Gen X:

Resident of MN and self-appointed expert on winter coats, here. (I fucking hate the winter, I fucking hate the cold, why I live here is a mystery to me.) In my years in this wasteland, I’ve come up with a system that requires 2 coats, with one bonus coat. If you live anywhere that gets seriously cold/snowy in the

We can all look tired and be cozy as fuck. It will be glorious.

A cloak and not worrying about moisturizing.

I’m already dreaming about what my Baba Yaga look will entail. I’m thinking some gray streaks in my hair. Real gray not pastel silver. No more trying to make my skin look glowy—tired will be the in-look.

These are both worthy options, but I’m all in for Baba Yaga. Once we’re no longer lethal-sex desirable, we are all the crone. Our wisdom is our power. Our rejection of the patriarchy is the reason they fear us. We surround ourselves with our sisters because Fuck Dudes. We are mysterious and strong and don’t care what

Guys don’t do emotional labor. He’s already training her for marriage— it’s now her job to deal with his family.

I know we will have to co-parent, regardless of the outcome, so we are both seeking counseling in order to work through issues to be better parents. I just don’t know what is right, or at least, what other people would do in a situation like this.

“Single Female Layer, fighting for her client. Wearing sexy miniskirts and being self reliant!”

Nah. I would be happiest if his presidential run left him so in the red that he and everyone with any connection with him would be beyond ruined. Like how you have the “Midus’ touch” where everything a particular person touches turns to gold or at least makes money, I want “Trump’s grope,” to mean to be so poisonous

None of you fools recognize a good ol’ fashion Covfefe when you seen one?

Oh, I did not know about that, foreigner here and I was like twelve at that time.

Required reading:

Or my favorite: “See black people? White people get shot and killed too, so let’s not bother doing anything about police accountability ever.”

Was he menstruating?