
I know some people who went (to simply witness the madness, no supporters)....Fort Dodge is my hometown, not terribly far from where I live now and I kind of wish I’d gone up for this now. Tomorrow night the Dem debate is 7 blocks from my house but I hear it’s next to impossible to get in.

“Things are happening. A lot of things. A lot of things, they’re happening. And we’ve got to. I don’t sleep. I sleep a little, I don’t need, maybe 2-3 hours. Tossing, turning, ba-beep ba-beep.”

You know what’s funny.....almost all kids hate Olaf as much as they and most grown ass humans do Tay-Tay. ON POINT!

Or, random goth kid.

Best rando comment I read was “Best ginger Angelina Jolie that’s had a stroke”.

Miley is every 22 yr old from my small hometown in Iowa. Yawn.

Meh. Celebs got nothing on my kid, who insisted at age 7 she go as “Sandy at the end of Grease”, then Boy George (who re-tweeted her pic!). then this year she did her own make up...Martin Gore.

But think of all the opportunities for those up and coming Dorothea Langes!

Best user name with that photo. WTF is that hair? Tube frosting??

THIS!!! In “Talking Dead” there is mention of “parts of Glenn” in coming episodes. I’m saying Maggie is pregnant.

Jar-Jar possible, zombies not. Mmmkay.

Really want to get on board with her but just don’t *feel* it. That said my FB feed was full of pics from today’s event here in Des Moines. Still, meh.

Poor geezer-Steve-Doocy....

There are so many cheek implants in that top photo it makes my face ache.

Fact, I love Spam. On rare occassions because so damn salty, but I love it. I grew up with a Grandpa who worked for Hormel and a Dad who worked next to the plant at American Can canning their products, so it was in our home all the time. Additionally, my Mom recently gave me a can of Spam flavored Macadamia Nuts and

That’s the weirdest picture of Lucille Ball I’ve ever seen.

Some of my fave Balmain-past. I actually had and sold a 1950s Balmain last summer, was a thrill to even handle it knowing it was created while he was still at the helm!

Teen girl and Mom don’t get along. Shocking news.

Ariana blahblah.... faux insecure Tweet much?