
Haters gonna leave the US over it? See ‘ya.

“the bear’s alleged exposed labia.”

Absolutely. I went to her page to see if she’d posted about this (no, of course not) and read some comments on that post. And she is getting what she wants, all the slack-jawed bible humpers telling her it should be her face on the ten. Also, too, complaining about losing their Dukes of Hazzard flag. For real.

What? I don’t shop Abercrombie, I looked at their site and saw thin tees and teeny denim shorts with the pockets hanging out. Is that what you call classic, high-quality, beautifully constructed functional clothing? Or do you imagine, if they decided to reproduce late 1800s clothing, suddenly they would be a bastion

You have literally confounded me, and now I have to go look at the modern Abercrombie. THANKS.

Ah, fine then. I would eat many.

Wait, so those are un-finished? Because if they don’t get a top half, the centers of the cookies toward the front are NOT centered and it is giving me agita.

Where’s the hot chick?

Exactly. And then their viewers remain comfortably terrified and full of righteous anger, glued to the only network that understands them. Fox doesn’t care how they keep them there as long as they are and their advertisers know it.

Not sure what size you are of course, but 1960s Jamaica shorts are that length, so maybe search vintage sites or Etsy? :)

I heard about this this morning, I live in Iowa (and have taken my child to that mall). First thing I did was check to see if this jackass was on Facebook....and of course, and of course his profile header is this. And his whole page is guns and bible Muricca shit. One positive I suppose (after all is said and done)

Bristol Palin trying desperatlely to stay relevant by riding the coat tails of someone just slightly more relevant, both of whom are trying too damn hard to get media attention. Only one has just a little talent, and it aint the Palin spawn.

I’ve honestly never liked him, but had no real reason (90s, in my 20s, found him a little whiney)...BUT, adopting special needs rescue cats? As a person owned by a CH kitty (rescue, now 17 years old even!) he’s won a place in my heart. Good on him.

I don’t know what that hairstyle is, but I see it more often than I’d like to here in Iowa, and usually on women her (my) age. She would have been in highschool in the 80s but somehow ended up with 80s Mom-hair.

This is not Rob Halford’s finest moment.

This literally is an ep of Law & Order SVU. Elliot finds the Mom in a beach house, stashed by the Mom of a fiancee to the father of the kid (fiancee was Kellie Martin, I believe). I hope this ends better for this woman.

Damn, that’s a long time for a horse to be racing.

1)I always enjoy the conservative obsession over Lena Dunham, poring over EVERYTHING she says and does, whereas most lefty-leaning individuals just shrug their shoulders and say “eh, she’s fine, I guess.”

You’ve said this perfectly for me, right down to “squicked out”. Thank you.

I feel like that’s a badge of honor, girls. Cheers.