
That, I suppose, would be one thing. But these designers are literally just buying vintage (often unlabeled, as much of it is) and copying it and calling it their own design. It’s fraud, and it’s cheating the people who believe the designed created it. Reproductions sold as repro are a totally different thing.

I remember far too much (jumping on the back of a drunk stranger’s motorcycle, riding on a folded towel for chrissakes, at a Harley weekend rally? sure! passing a bottle of booze back and forth beween bikes on the highway? you bet!) and now that I’m a parent with a pre-teen girl I’m not sure if I want to remember all

Was years ago now, but if I recall correctly it was showing up online as available to buy. She did one in the same colorway and then others in different colors.

Well, I’ll give that 5 year old this...most “fashion designers” are really only paying their minions to go find vintage clothing, buy it on the cheap or steal photos so they can reproduce it and slap their name on it. This kid is only doing what Lauren, Sui, Kors and the lot of them do daily. Reproducing something

Perhaps, but god guac is good guac. Perhaps theirs gets stuck in your beard?

And lord NEVER the Bleu Cheese. An abomination, a moldy thing. Nope.

This new “awareness” is fully self serving.

And do you think Santorum has read these and/or gives a shit?

I love those ads. LOVE THEM.

ohhh....I simultaneously love Camila’s dress yet am a little scared of the lung wings stapled to the ass.

Thank you for your dedication! I have a 12 year old girl and wow, they can be TOUGH.

I was too. I also deal in vintage clothing, which is another way to get away from supporting those companies Oliver mentions and the throw away fashion industry.

Bar has 2 way mirror in womens restroom.

Two things came to mind while watching this. First, that the critique of the fashion industry changing what is “in” from season to season to keep the money rolling in has been going on since clothing became mass manufactered. Designer Elizabeth Hawes wrote a book addressing it (“Fashion is Spinach”- 1938) and said

I’m sure loads of personal messages were sent, and his family is clearly there for him 24/7. Social media messages are both for Bruce and for people to see that support and love exists for him during his journey, which serves to not only show him that love and support but others going through a similar journey. Also a

Oh, their old catalogs are THE BEST!!! And I’ve been fortunate enough to find a few pieces from the 40s-60s over the years dealing in vintage. Sidenote, Vanity Fair came out with some pretty racy stuff in the 1950s under a collection called “Conversation Pieces” (labels are all embroidered in gold on sheer white), and

Truly, if I loved this any more my heart would explode. Makes me wish (again) that we had the one recording of my Grandpa playing with his Big Band in the 1930s. At the time, here in Iowa, you could pay to have a “record” made, but it was on some kind of weird paper. Each member got ONE copy. Story goes, a band mate

Naw. Modern spins, modern textiles. A few *could* be copies, lord knows designers buy vintage and copy it flat out without making an eensy change at all (I personally have sold pieces to a few and seen the reproduced line for line with the only update being their name slapped on it).

Interesting, borrows heavily from 1920s exotic styles and 1970s. I do, however, wish that the fashion world would just let the goddamn mullet dress GO already.