
Does that mean people will finally StOP TyPIng lIKe thIs?

Thank you. That needed clarifying. So many people don't know the poor guy's name...

It's nice they employed high school float builders to make this. Sweet, really.

All the models are Kate Moss now. Will the 90s ever end?


Dayum, Ms. Ross. And double DAYUM, I just sold a 1980s version of this boa in my boutique for next to nothing. If only I had waited for Diana's endorsement! Lament.

Dayum, Ms. Ross. And DAYUM, I jus sold an 80's version of this boa in my boutique for next to nothing. If only I had waited...

Ah, but what you CAN do is not be a douche.

Courtney Stodden only sometimes wakes? Only sometimes has new days? What even?


Chanel, 2012.

Seems like a straightforward response that should truly not offend anyone, unless they're looking to find a way to be pissed (as so very, very many on the tubes seem to be). I know not a lot about the woman, but she did wear a 1940s hat from my vintage website (as dd Karen Elson) in a Steven Meisel spread in Vogue a

Vikki "the Back" Dougan rocked a subway car with so very much more class, and ass.

Was only clarifying what the OP was saying. Not playing along. Sorry the obvious wasn't obvious.

That sucks. For what it's worth, I was married at 23, divorced by 27 and re-married by 33 (and had my daughter), then divorced again. Years later after a horrific break-up with the second husband, we reconciled. Things can work out. To be honest, there are days I wish I was alone...nothing wrong with that either. It's

Wrong Wang.

oh, honey.

Just listened to the new single by Culture Club...he indeed is a smoky voiced chanteuse! I'll always love him.

I adore Boy George!!! My daughter loves 80s music and insisted on going as him for Halloween when she was 8. I Tweeted her pic and tagged him and he re-Tweeted her and called her gorgeous! Not sure who was more excited about it, her or 14 year old me!!!