Miss Lisa

*sigh* Typical. No one cares about the Giants—except for longtime Giants fans. Yes, besides being a great all-around player Kent was generally known as the "team asshole" until Bonds' steroid use became astronomical and his terrible personality overshadowed all other terrible Giants personalities for years to come. If

*sigh* Typical. No one cares about the Giants—except for longtime Giants fans. Yes, besides being a great all-around player Kent was generally known as the "team asshole" until Bonds' steroid use became astronomical and his terrible personality overshadowed all other terrible Giants personalities for years to come. If

Smart, funny, very rocking. I've always thought that if their drummer was more of a typical rock drummer, going ba BOOM Thwack, ba BOOM Thwack, etc., they would have gotten some radio play and the kids across the nation could have danced to it. But Dan Peters is a more complex soul. The hard rock/punk thing combined

Smart, funny, very rocking. I've always thought that if their drummer was more of a typical rock drummer, going ba BOOM Thwack, ba BOOM Thwack, etc., they would have gotten some radio play and the kids across the nation could have danced to it. But Dan Peters is a more complex soul. The hard rock/punk thing combined

Yes, I flashed on that Work of Art challenge too. But no one got naked for this one,so not as memorable. This episode had me thinking there must be a bunch of psychiatrists working for TV networks whose job is to find the most functional sociopaths and narcissists for casting purposes. Note to Nightline: please

Yes, I flashed on that Work of Art challenge too. But no one got naked for this one,so not as memorable. This episode had me thinking there must be a bunch of psychiatrists working for TV networks whose job is to find the most functional sociopaths and narcissists for casting purposes. Note to Nightline: please

He definitely has a way with words. And tight bodices.

He definitely has a way with words. And tight bodices.

"My name is Gretel and this is my broth…*HA HA HA HA!* Sorry, guys I can't stop laughing!"

"My name is Gretel and this is my broth…*HA HA HA HA!* Sorry, guys I can't stop laughing!"

David Cassidy as a rocket scientist and Alameda standing in for 70s-era Los Angeles. How could we ever forget?

David Cassidy as a rocket scientist and Alameda standing in for 70s-era Los Angeles. How could we ever forget?

He just handed on a plate her next persona to occupy. I am looking forward to her next designer fairground stripper look.

He just handed on a plate her next persona to occupy. I am looking forward to her next designer fairground stripper look.

Bridgeport, CT—I'll see you there.

Bridgeport, CT—I'll see you there.

reckoner - I was just at DFW International. And so, lol. When baffled by someone's outsized love of Texas, "Friday Night Lights" is my go-to cultural touchstone to help my brain make comprehensible connections. Also, Tex-Mex cuisine—that is good.

reckoner - I was just at DFW International. And so, lol. When baffled by someone's outsized love of Texas, "Friday Night Lights" is my go-to cultural touchstone to help my brain make comprehensible connections. Also, Tex-Mex cuisine—that is good.

I can't wait to see this. In hell. On earth.

I can't wait to see this. In hell. On earth.