Miss Lisa

The ability to incorporate a CLOWN NURSE fart joke into a storyline is what makes this show even more exceptional. I'm hunting down the comic books now too because I'm such a geek for Adventure Time.

We all choose our battles. I'm going to go with the drag queens on this one because they're really effin' funny. Chik-fil-A, homophobic Evangelical Christian companies, the runs—not so much.

Chick-fil-A has donated more than $2 million to anti-gay organizations. They really don't want gay people or their friends and family to buy their product, I guess. http://equalitymatters.org/…

It's supposed to be.

Suddenly Ed Asner is EVERYWHERE. This is how it should be.

I agree. Truman Capote worked on The Innocents screenplay and I suspect he especially had a hand in the voices the Miss Giddens hears in the hallway at night. Those voices are CREEPY. It's a great psychological horror film all right.

I've always thought Blow Up looks better as stills than as a movie.

I wanted Sue to get her braces off so bad. Guess I'm a hopeless optimist too.

Sitcoms set in San Francisco are destined to upset your psyche for decades. Southern California's got it in for Northern California — let the record show.

Mos def, Mr. President.

Yes, of course, but…George Takei!

The subliminal popcorn-eating references will get butts back in theater seats, dammit! (quote from the imaginary Academy meeting in my head)

I loved when he exclaimed, "Oh MY!" in his classically trained mellifluous voice.

It is dream-like. I can't turn away.

I imagined she was calling the help line at Best Buy.

Try looking for a show realistically set in San Francisco. Pathetic. There was an attempt made for Oakland a year or two ago. Even worse.

My son's therapist says bullies don't know how to communicate effectively. Hence, the punching.

Some young-ish people are still not on the Internet very much and don't understand its cryptic workings. I know—hard to fathom!

Becky Ann Baker! Also, good fall off the bike.