Man Netflix will have launched and cancelled at least 300 shows in the time it takes NASA to set up one soundstage. Here's hoping this reboot also doesn't get cancelled immediately.
Man Netflix will have launched and cancelled at least 300 shows in the time it takes NASA to set up one soundstage. Here's hoping this reboot also doesn't get cancelled immediately.
Spoken like a future mass-shooter pretending that /pol/ isn’t an issue.
And yet people will continually insist that the US doesn’t have a gun problem...
When a racist psychopath kills double digits of people in Germany, it’s a major event that shocks the entire nation and gets declared a terrorist attack.
All of these will get delayed and go over budget. I think there are three reasons for that. Two of them good.
Looks like modern Shadow Warrior meets modern Strider, then blended with rogue.
Shadow Strider has a nice ring to it actually. Though Loopmancer ain’t half bad as a title.
I actually really despise how the gaming community treats release dates, and a particular segment of the gaming community has all hell break loose anytime dates are missed or there are constantly delays.
On Monday, hackers reportedly took control of Russian smart TV schedule listings, essentially turning the listings into a bulletin board of explicitly anti-war public shaming.
Amazon management said Chris Smalls was “not smart and inarticulate” so what does that make senator Graham being put in his place by him?
Kinda feels like we should just deal with Nestle now before the looming water crisis hands them even more power.
No, you want propaganda. A reporter’s job is not to state the “benefits of NFTs.” Their job is to report the truth. And the truth of the matter is, there are no uses for NFTs that are not better handled than the way things are.
Oh dear Guardian of Forever I hope not. I don’t want to base my expectations on this based on Disco.
Hot yoga’s not cheap, but at least the instructor doesn’t stalk you if you stop showing up.
Because she wants to hide the fact that she’s in an extremist cult from people who don’t know it.
Immersive VR, much like the flying car, is always about 5-10 years away, and will remain so, forever.
That’ll be brought to you by the GOP - the party of morality and protecting every mother and child.
There’s no stopping this erosion is there? We live in dark times. And too many fools like a certain zillionaire Joker wannabe pushing the culture war ever closer to the brink, grinning as the world literally burns. Dark times indeed.
So we get to watch the infant and maternal mortality rates shoot up in those states.
As a visually impaired person, I notice VR advocates really have nothing for you when you point out that aVR future really doesn’t take people with even mildly poor vision into comfortable account.
Many white women value white supremacy above all else.