I love the picture of the activists on the base with “Black Lives Matter” spray painted on it.
I love the picture of the activists on the base with “Black Lives Matter” spray painted on it.
Game over. You’ve won the COTD.
The cenobite descriptor made me snort. Thank you for that - it’s the closest I’ve come to laughter since everything went down last weekend.
Way to frame it as her “question[ing]” his choices” as if he’s just some regular guy with a quirky design sense minding his own business
Ha! Woman asks neighbor for the reasoning behind flying a Nazi flag and somehow she’s the asshole? Way to frame it as her “question[ing]” his choices” as if he’s just some regular guy with a quirky design sense minding his own business, and as if flying that flag isn’t clearly an act of provocation. It makes a very…
Thank you; I grew up with that expression and always wondered what a petard was — I thought it was just slang for “ass.”
True story since I never looked it up, I thought it was a type of sword.
Being illegal doesn’t make something wrong. All civil disobedience is illegal. That’s the point.
I’m taking a class in the fall called “The American Presidency.” I am SO SO SO SO SO SO EAGER to see how it will deal with... whatever this is.
If you’re going to be a pedant, it’s hoist “with,” not “by” his own petard.
Thank you for your definition. I always thought a petard was some sort of nautical term.
I’d prefer fewer generals. I like my civilian institutions being led by experienced civilians. But Bannon isn’t a regular civilian, and Trump doesn’t want to include experienced civilians, just loyal followers. I’m not sure what the real solution is.
Just get a White guy to drive it.
She probably learned from Steve “flexible” Bannon.
I would love to know who her chiropractor is, given that she can bend over backwards in her defense of actual Nazis.
It’s been battle.net to everyone since the 90s, why would we go along with the change now? I grew up with battle.net as did many others. No way was Blizzard App going to fly with anyone except some marketing nutjobs who probably haven’t played a Blizzard game in their life.
OK. Sorry. I retract my entire comment. You’re a genuine hero.
2nd amendment zealots have made sure that will never happen. You do have to wonder how the police could so easily be outgunned when other protests/demonstrations (you know - the ones that weren’t populated entirely by white folks) had police showing up basically in military gear/force.