Amanda Harper

John McCain never was a “Maverick”. He’s a corrupt GOP hack who only got labeled as such because he knew how to play the chummy press game better than anyone. He has always been petty and vindictive on a personal level, and there isn’t a core principal he wouldn’t abandon for his own gain.

As an Eagle Scout, listening to Trump use the Scout Law (which is where the loyalty line comes from) as a cudgel to beat kids over the head makes me even more nauseated than his rhetoric usually does.

True story, I dated a guy who lived down the street from the ice cream truck depot in the West Village. Around 5pm, every summer evening, they all roll out as an adorably coordinated sugar-fueled cheer army. The jingles were always delightful because even though they were loud, they just sound like happiness.

He’s admitting guilt.


Tarzan and George of the Jungle were “Vine stars”

If those poor white folks in the South you’re describing voted for Trump, then they were complicit in this scam.

I think that only the President can revoke Ivanka’s security clearance, but what are the chances that Donald will fire his wife?


Got to thinking about it at work:

Can a new president pardon his predecessor?

I’m 35 and I still kind of want to crack open a PSP game. I know how they work but the part of me that took apart my brother’s Transformers (amongst the many other things that could be but often weren’t meant to be taken apart) as a kid wants to open one up.

I find a little orange-flavored* simple syrup does wonders to cut the bitterness of the man-tears without covering the salt.

I don’t think I have ever seen two boys trying to camp in the same bush. Sounds hilariously inefficient.

If I’m in a vehicle, I run over every bush I see. Gotten a couple of you shrubbery-huggers this way.

You published last week’s Life in Aggro it seems.

President Trump has yet to address Judge Watson’s ruling directly, as he has done on Twitter for similar cases in the past.

Thank you for being out about being a lesbian dating a trans woman. I’m a trans lesbian and it gets very disheartening.

I’m what my username says, and am also a poly person dating a trans woman.

Let’s be real here.