Amanda Harper

My only copy of FXII (And FX for that matter) is the PS2 version, because I still have a working PS2 and I like my PS2 a lot. While I do also have a PS3 and PS4 I prefer to play games on the original hardware; it just feels...right.

(And yep it looks like garbage on a modern HD tv; my last CRT died a month ago so it’s

Thank you for posting that, I was about to but I’m not sure my blood pressure could’ve coped. Bastarding sons of fucking cunting transphobic, homophobic bastards!

Wasn’t using it as an example of tolerance, just what it feels like is needed at this point to clean out the rat bastards intent on seeing us all extinct.

By His Light! We shall cleanse this place, and start over!

I actually love the layout style it works well for me . But I know I’m in minority on that.

It's a Warhammer reference directed at the racists and bigots in both places. RBG is a legend and hero.

*looks at white house and US supreme court...* I’m afraid the only answer is Exterminatus, send in the Blood Angels!

I feel like I’m alone here with my love for LiA; but this one just blew me away. Honestly I’m so seriously thinking about playing that FF game just based off of the webcomic.

You think she actually fucked him to have her anchor baby?! Nah, he squirted in to a dish and she turkey basted.

I’m an openly trans-lesbian in the gaming arena of YouTube who also now and then slips in to politics and activism. I get a LOT of hate. At first it used to have me sit up at night upset. At first I would try to ignore it, but it festered in me.

These days if someone asks a genuine question even if it’s in an offensive

As long as it wasn’t a boy, no time for “them queerosexuals!”

*sigh* How in the fuck did we end up down this trouser leg of time?!

I’ve said it before and I will undoubtedly say it again during the remainder of this period in hell. tRUMP could rape a kid in Times Square at midday, blow her brains out as he climaxes, buy a hotdog and his base would still support him; as long as the kid wasn’t blonde and white.

He is hate personified, and that is

Honestly, it would have gone over better if he had shit on the table.

Yeah I’m Gen Z and it only took being repeatedly raped by a, now, “in retirement/retreat” bishop member of a paedo ring in the late 80's/early 90's to not just turn me against them, but to declare to my grandparents that as far as I’m concerned the RCC is my mortal enemy and I will do anything I can to destroy it. You

There’ll be another needless death, months of protests, a court case, and maybe, just maybe the RCC will get to fuck out of our publicly funded hospital boards. Then we might see the end of this bollocks.

Gratefully accepted. :-)

After this past week, between rampant transphobia the world over, car-bombs here in Ireland again, the collective global misery that pours through every feeling human being every single fucking day; so say we fucking all!

For this one moment in time, a very, very tiny bit better place

Sniff markers, and wank to fake Step-family porn.

I’m actually waiting for him to do that, not least seeing as he’s using the blocking of his stupid fucking wall almost as a Reichstag Fire-like event.