Amanda Harper

It looks like a dollar store kids cop badge.

That shit stain is literally the anti-Robin Hood.

Personally I’m hoping this is the fight over some sort of bridge to reach Folkvangr; after this dumpster fire of a life I deserve mead, feasting, wenches, and brawling.

Pray that the answer will always be no; because it’s the best chance the US has of having any good will left towards it after this shitstorm is finally flushed.

Your worst, and their worst are only comparable in that they are the worst you individually have experienced; that’s it, anything beyond that is pointless. I’m sorry you went through that. *Virtual hugs and fist bump*

A Cistercian monk I knew in my late teens always said that this world is Hell; his reasoning was that if there was any presence of his god that Earth wouldn’t be this horrible. Of course when I told him I was pagan he just sighed and told me “Well, no-ones perfect.” I miss that man, and our chess games. (He taught me

Okay, off the top of my head things that apply to everyone.

Yes it is. Taxes are taxes; no matter what form they take. But it’s obvious that some people are determined to punish the poor for being poor so I’m done with this thread.

Thanks for the heads up.

Next time a movie alien lands and asks that it’ll probably have landed in Canada, or Germany, or France. I’d say Ireland too, but our Taoiseach is a twit so...no thanks.

They pay taxes too, they have skin in the game as well. And yes I am fine with that. Neither I nor you have or should have the right to police other peoples health.

Well why would the “master race” need silly things like necks? They’re so obviously superior after all...five minutes in a room with him, I don’t even need a weapon, just give me five minutes.

Everyone in the US already has skin in the game; they’re called taxes.

Have all the stars in the sky for the Hitchhikers reference...

“Nixon fired Cox because he was too good at being innocent.”

“Nixon resigned because he was too good at being honest.”

That one might actually be true.

I tried that once; couldn’t actually edit the mess I created while I was drunk. I’ll stick to playing Dark Souls when I’m drunk.

I’ll give them this, they’re trying damn hard to convince the whole world, not just the US, that the Emperor is in fact fully clothed. Not very well mind you; but gods bless them (with painful boils on the groin) they’re trying.

“New Coke failed because it was just too good.”