
A regular class to get you certified should get you trained to hit about 90 ft... close to 30 meters. Basic control of decent, ascent, buoyancy control, as well as procedures for emergency ascent, etc. are all a must at those depths.

1st world problems.

You are my favoritest person today.

Can I have your 02 when you're done with it?

OK. Clearly I shouldn't be looking at this on my tiny phone. Sorry, I get it. Thanks for the laugh.

458 Montana?! Is this April fools? That thing looks like a GMC Envoy. This is a big joke right?

Mmmm, Tire Cleavage.

As a car enthusiast and a Bay Area resident I weep.

What this click-bait writing, narrow minded Telegraph author fails to understand is that many gear heads "cautiously" welcome the advent of the driverless car, myself included. These 'black and white" arguments are ridiculous. A driverless car could eventually take away the driving from people who don't want and or

From "expensive" to "no way I can ever afford that" in 3.2 seconds

Wagon? No?... Jerks.

Where - have - you - been - all my life?

Preeeeetty simple. I like my left foot invited to the party. He feels less left out and everyone wins. Get it?

Yes. When too many choices waters down the brand, Yes. More choices make prices go up brand wide. I will bitch about a model not having the option of a manual but more does not always = more. Brands tend to do much better when the focus on a few things they do very well.

More choices < Less choices

1100 sq ft on mine and I concur. Shed will make all the difference in the land of no basements.

I figure the one thing that you wear nearly all the time should be the most comfortable and versatile especially considering the region they cover. Having the ability to wash these things out quick and dry them nearly 80% of the way with a towel makes life just a little easier. The 4 things I think are important to

Anyone else hold a split second glimmer of hope that those cables on the bouncy ride would simply detach themselves. I really don't understand the point of the video. It seems like it's really only able to call out the "Tesla Fanboys", aka people who don't like schmuck lawyers.

This guy will never get his Tesla. It's a good thing we have responsible dealerships and the NADA around to help keep things in order for the consumer... oh wait, it was a Kia.