Miss Heartcore

I feel like he's patting himself on the back with every line. In this episode in particular (as I watch the show with subtitles because it's sometimes hard to hear/understand what is happening) I kept imagining what these table reads must be like and how theses actors read these bizarre lines with a straight face

That's immediately what I thought. Are we not supposed to think that?

I feel that, when compared to the US shows, Ramsay is much more composed and polite on the BBC programs, as well as when he takes the contestants out when they win competitions. I feel like the anger is amplified for shock value, but when it comes to personal interaction, he's a much more enjoyable person.

"Sometimes Chef Ramsay will act like he just can’t believe you messed it up that badly. Joe is just like, “No, I knew you were gonna mess that up the whole time.”"

Exactly, she was like a 13 year old girl about to get eaten and crushed by different dinosaurs, and her brother was almost killed multiple times before her eyes. And in the end she helped save the day! That can't be said about either of the dweebs in JW.

What I wish for this season is for there to be some sort of continuity and semblance of follow through. What kills one werewolf should be able to kill the other werewolves. The mythos should somewhat make sense across the board for each kind of creature.

Ah Kira, given powers and weapons without explanation and is thrown to the ground less then 10 seconds later. Every. Single. Time.

Essentially perfect for Shia then.

interested in scruffy scarf doctor. which one is that.

I had done one of my first ever biography reports on Pocahontas only a few years before the Disney movie came out and I remember feeling extremely frustrated and upset to how they essentially altered history to make this movie. This was pretty much the downfall of Disney movies for me in the sense that I no longer

The characters on Vikings attempted to explain Ragnarök and to be quite frank, I didn't understand it and won't respond to it.

I feel like Indian in the Cupboard deserves a re-visit and/remake.

Same! I really do love that movie and sort of bummed it never transpired to the full series. Dammit ATJ.

I never read the Golden Compass series, but that movie and it's premise creeped me out to my very core. I've tried to re-watch it one more time but I found it too disturbing to even sit through again.

And before that was airing for several years?

It's true, I pay upwards of $150 a month and that does not include Starz, HBO, or Showtime. Dammit Optimum. And yet, I'm not giving up News Channel 12. Also, I'm one that still enjoys a full array of channels. Every now and then I find a show of interest on a channel I didn't normally watch. I COULD do without

Let's be honest, he's technically been resurrected multiple times given the different looks he's had in the series.

Why are we even asking Jon Snow what's going to happen? HE KNOWS NOTHING.

I remember that even at age 8 the commercials for this movie made me very sad.

Wait, can we go back to the oldest son who was super thirsty for some girl action and how strange that all was. Also, he was a huge dumbass. Probably would have been best if the new dinosaur stepped on him.