Miss Heartcore

Can we substitute Matthew McConaughey's nomination for his role in Dallas Buyer's Club for his role in True Detective just this once? #rustcohlfeelings #timeisflatcircle #alrightalrightalright

Nominees: Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips; Bradley Cooper, American Hustle; Michael Fassbender, 12 Years A Slave; Jonah Hill, The Wolf Of Wall Street; Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club

Blanchett nailed it with her descent into madness. All my votes for her.

Ah yes, my go to ice breaker. Can turn around any bad mood.

:brief pause:
Fuck this, I quit.

Absolutely, given that we're stuck with this casting.

Well, he's seemingly always been well versed in the art of The Lord's Kiss.

Now that I got that off my chest, can we talk about Deputy Green Eyes who's been casually appearing the last few episodes this season?

Okay, let's get down to the nitty gritty.
First of all, this episode truly belonged to the Adults. Each one played a part, just when you were wondering what happened to this or that person—they all came front and center. Deaton really killed it and good to hear that even Papa Argent was helping with the Stiles

You said she’d do whatever you told her, but she refuses to marry me! She’s her own woman!!

So essentially CB is the Ser Jorah to Flame Princess' Khaleesi?

Thank goodness someone said it!

Oh good GOD, is that a common barber's comb?

Um, excuse you, any episode with Outside Dave is contractually not allowed to rate lower than a B.

As in Degrassi type of high school?

Amen to that Newark >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> LGA. No contest. LGA is the Mets of airports.

I love that this show continues to just unveil the layers of Holt. His quirks and inner fears/insecurities are always his shining moments.

Which almost makes Boyle the Odie to Peralta's Garfield.

Hey if anyone has an Amazon Prime subscription, you can watch most of these shows on there.