


That must be so annoying! Why the pointless changes? Why didn’t they just stick with the double spacing in the first place?

Me too! It is what I was taught at university. People can still do that if they want too. Just because it is no longer a rule (in the US at least. I am Australian and I still think it is a rule here, I will check this now) doesn’t mean it is wrong. It still has the same advantages as it used too. Having two spaces at

The double standard makes me so angry! It’s only because she is a woman. The obvious misogyny is obvious. I can’t believe that it is 2016 and we still live in a world where evil men are excused for the most evil stuff, while women are vilified for the most innocuous stuff, even things they didn’t even do. Women have

Thanks! I might get those ones. :D

Thanks for that! I love the other one, but it is WAY too pricey considering how basic it is. The Ebay one is a much more reasonable price and is just as awesome.

Oh my gosh!! How awful! Why doesn’t that surprise me, though?

It looks awesome!

That is actually pretty creative! It would have been great if your friends joined in. I wonder how one would go about dressing up as Coconut Margareta. :D

Yep. And the war that he started is still going on all these years later and has contributed to the civil war in in Syria. 

And library computers! I would get sick a lot because of sick people use the computers without using the anti bacterial wipes that have been provided by the library! When I have to the use the computer while I am sick, I wipe down everything I touched while using the computer so other people don’t get my cold. Why

So much this!! Why the hell do people have to do this all the time?! Whenever I go to the library there is some arsehole doing that there. One of the many reasons why I no longer go to libraries (along with people chatting away or using phones in the ‘silent’ areas. Don’t get me started on that one!). So gross!

My father does this! He sneezes into the open air EVERY time! It is really gross and he would do this at the worst times. I would be really needing to pee and just when I’m making my way to the toilet he would be walking in front of me and sneeze twice right where I need to go to get to the toilet. I would either have

Mud wrestling looks so fun! :D

Aww. The monster in the second picture is actually kinda cute. :D

And some people still say women should not be allowed to vote.

Same with me. I learned about Paganism in a sociology course at my third year at university. I also had a Wiccan as a classmate for a couple of my courses and she was awesome. The more I learned about it, the more I fell in love with it. But I’m just not the religious type, I just don’t have it in me. If I was a

I love his hair in this gif. :D

That’s the best gif in the universe! :D