Agreed. All this armchair diagnosing is ridiculous. The only things that we are qualified to say about Trump is that he is a total arsehole and that he will make a terrible president.
Agreed. All this armchair diagnosing is ridiculous. The only things that we are qualified to say about Trump is that he is a total arsehole and that he will make a terrible president.
Eww! Yep, all men wearing shirts is a good idea.
I know right? I love the Mummy series and I think they are perfect the way they are, too. I also love its spin off series The Scorpion King. They are four of them in the series so far and I love the three that I have seen and I am looking forward to seening the last one. They are all so awesome!
Agreed! Cheese is awesome! Cheese for everyone! XD
So true.
OMG!! That is the most adorable thing ever!!!! <3
Yep. This definitely is just like that scene. I was the first thing I thought of when I read the title. Luckily that shit does not work in real life.
Good on your grandmother for not falling for that shit. She sounds like an awesome woman.
That’s fantastic! Keep yourself safe and make sure you call the domestic violence hot line and get legal help. Also consider staying at a domestic violence shelter, the domestic violence hot line will refer you to some. I wish you the best of luck. *hugs* You are a strong, courageous woman and you are doing the right…
That reminds me, I should be watching Sliders more. I love that show.
That is very hypocritical, isn’t? He is a person whining about ‘reverse sexism’ like a white person whining about ‘reverse racism’. He should really know better.
That’s alright. Women are under too much pressure from society to get involved in the whole dating and getting married thing, but it is ok to keep men at arms length. You do not have to have men in your personal life and you do not need to be emotionally attached with anyone if you don’t feel safe doing so. Just do…
“Jesus fucking Christ pick a better time and place to get your MRA verbal diarrhea on. Maybe somewhere where nobody’s had their hands chopped off with a machete because a man had a feeling and thought it was hard?”
Women are NOT the ones cutting other people’s faces and cutting off their hands because they are blaming their victims for their own fertility problem. Women are not the ones who are being violent, entitled arseholes. I suggest you do some research on the gender gap in crime before you make such a ridiculous…
And yet, women are often told that they are the emotional ones! >:-(
Totally agreed. This man is like a 2 year old in an adult body. That is a very dangerous and destructive thing.