I knew there was something ominous about 'knock em dead, birdie' last week, especially when she seemed so achey.
I knew there was something ominous about 'knock em dead, birdie' last week, especially when she seemed so achey.
I feel so angry about Betty's plotline. I just had this feeling she was going to die from cancer and i hate it. Because I just hate cancer so fucking much, and it makes me want to cry. Because look at what she was going to be, look at what she might have done.
anyone delivering a monologue with some backstory is about to die. sometimes the techniques are so clunky in this show.
I would like to see the historical receipts that medieval wealthy people got their kicks being tied up in what look like real torture chambers with real torture equipment.
That's why it surprised me when Megan went 'Where the fuck is everything' last week. This might be the only show on TV for adults that isn't filled with swearing.
psychotherapist isn't a real profession, so he can just go be that anyway.
betty also has three children, which makes it harder to be all 'i'm just gonna up and leave and take the stuff and money.'
i'd wonder though that stonewall is something Sterling Cooper's crowd would have noticed anyway.
Duck is the closest the show ever really came to having a villain. And even then, he was shown as a full person, whose demons had wrecked his opportunities.There are times when scenes from Mad Men could be put into an anti-drinking campaign.
i never want to be in an emergency in NYC if ambulances don't have some right of way.
well she was about to, but seemed to take note when he asked her not to. so… progressish!
can/should you run down the street with a woman who is so far into a labour (that is a month early) that has a foot coming out and its in breach? Wouldn't that be quite dangerous? To both.
taking advice but misreading the reason and using it in the wrong context is such a hannah thing to do. other people would just not bother to go.
quite frankly, i don't know how you would ever be able to command respect from students that now call you 'whore-vath', who could see you as a needy wannabe. Well done, Whorevath, if the piercing didn't ruin it, that corridor rant did. Neither staff nor students will respect you.
I recall that Mary (replacing some minor character from the novel) is more than naive, she's eager to be pleasing. Her going off to fight the fascists is something she had no interest in but Brodie persuaded her of it on the notion that her brother was being heroic there. Since Mary's brother it turns out is not…
oh god yeah, marnie is definitely a mic hog.
well, who knows what kind of background check they did because in season two she wrote an article for some terrible magazine about doing cocaine. Would you employ a person like that as a teacher?
Would you stand there utterly helpless crying? Or would you run to the sink a second turn a tap with your other hand and run it under water and get a bandage in a minute.
and it really had only been a month? So, she'd had a class, the poet party the week after (so maybe another class), then the class with the apology? She was 3 weeks into her MFA and quit because the others were a bit mean the first week, and she couldn't write anything that wasn't about herself to counter any of their…
you're putting cream and a light bandage on what could only be a superficial wound from bacon grease, it's not like her hand was put into a deep fryer (which happened to someone i knew and THAT was majorly bad). And what's she doing with her hand so close to it? That's like something a child would do.