Miss Chanandler Bong

Don’t blame the people who find stuff. I totally want to know if someone posted something stupid or offensive, and I want to know if they still feel the same way. 

Remember when Tracy Morgan got into all kinds of trouble for his gross act? I think Kevin needs a Tina Fey in his life. I honestly don’t even remember Tracy’s apology, but this statement killed me. He’s.....”too sleepy and self-centered...” to hurt anyone. And that second paragraph.....wow, I can only imagine what she

Right, he made a joke in the beforetimes, when it wasn’t wrong to disparage people for their sexuality. When threatening violence against gay people was the law of the land. Before gay people had risen up and become sentient beings, when there was no need to respect their inherent humanity. Way back (*checks notes*)

When did he apologise? He explicitly refused to apologise when the Academy asked him to.

Furthermore, I personally don’t know people who were using homophobic slurs and making jokes about AIDs in ‘09, despite the whole ‘gays are people’ thing being in ‘flux’. Maybe you just hung around a lot of homophobes?

They didn’t have to dig that much, he’s been VERY vocal about his feeling about gay men. Those quotes above are just the tip of the iceberg. Or trash pile

The Academy or the network or whoever decides this stuff should feel stupid for not searching his tweets before offering him the spot. They should do this for anyone they hire.

He posted tweets that were way worse than what is mentioned here, with liberal use of a certain homophobic slur.

“Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere... unless your son is a f@g” - Kevin Hart reading of MLK apparently.

“I chose to pass, I passed on the apology” so mature! what a man! 

Dude is using an MLK quote to make himself feel better about being an asshole and getting justifiably kicked around for refusing to apologize? As if that’s what MLK intended when he said that quote. Boy, bye. 

Again, if Dave Chappelle, a comedian who is 50 light years ahead of this man, can say that there’s a need for sensitivity, then I don’t really care what Kevin Hart has to say. Mafuckas graduate from Tyler Perry movies and don’t know how to act.

I’m almost 40 years old and I’m in love with the man that I am becoming.

He did a series well prior to Cosmos V2 called The Inexplicable Universe, I think it’s on Netflix rn, that was Cosmos with about a thousandth of the production value. It has more teaching, fewer theatrics, and a charm not matched by the spectacle of the new series.

If you can’t drink without harassing a woman at a party, you shouldn’t drink. If the woman feels like she’s being harassed, she’s being harassed. If everyone held people to these standards instead of trying to excuse them with, “Whoa, hey, everybody does it, where would we be if we didn’t let guys act creepy and

Yes. These women are superstars.

“Lots of people have done this behavior” =/= “This behavior can’t be sexual harassment.”

“It is as though...” Speaking as an academic, FUCK YOU, TYSON. That phrase in particular infuriated me. That familiar ‘logical’ veneer, that familiar smooth drawing of attention to supposedly obvious intellectual superiority.

I was a big Lawrence Krauss fan and I remember reading his (insane) rebuttal and how it just proved what a guilty asshole he was. And now the exact same scenario for another person I used to enjoy (in small doses.) I can’t believe how angry his response makes me. He and Krauss should be dispatched to outer space

This connects right up to the Hannah Gadsby article below. It’s so easy to condemn behavior (men) like this when you don’t know or care about the individual, or if you already think they’re slimeballs, but when it’s a beloved figure? Hoo-boy, it gets hard real fast.

Absolutely true. Also applies to white people and racism.