
Agree. Leah was an addict and although she refused to admit it in TV, she did get help. She’s also maintained somewhat positive relationships with her exes and everyone has been involved in the children’s lives (although they could do better about keeping their daughter in her chair).

As I’m sure we’ll talk about this dumb Kim for President thing for a few days, a reminder to everyone: just because someone would be better than Trump doesn’t mean they should actually be president.

Obviously the racism is the most objectionable part but “not enough white kids to go around” makes me so uncomfortable... who are we giving white kids too?

How would this affect things if a non-binary person was arrested for a traffic violation? Do they still incarcerate based on sex? And what do advocates feel is the ideal solution?

The CIA was too lazy to obtain an industrial shredder for documents so instead they took the easy way out and destroyed a skyscraper in the middle of Manhatten.

How can you make a logical argument for pawing at someone? I mean, obviously there aren’t the connotations but white people aren’t cool with randos touching our hair either. Even when it isn’t racist, it’s just rude AF.

These people waste so much money covering up shit we all know.

And with all of that in the past and the current (Neither joke was good and apology wasn’t great), I would still be more proud to have Kimmel in the White House.