
I’m not her biggest fan, and I am right leaning, but I certainly respect what she is doing and wouldn’t insult her like this. I hate people who devolve to using personal insults against people.

Would it kill her to accept an ounce of blame for running a piss-poor campaign and condemning us all to 4-8 years of Trump? Fuck her and the corporate funded jet she flew in on. She’s was and is part of the problem and the best thing she can do to be part of the solution is to go get lost in the woods again.

Click-bait headline hackery that I and others have pointed out has become the new Jezebel standard.

Testy times for the pimple popper!

The author here Esther Wang spends her time vapping, it’s clouding her mind a bit... So please excuse her...

I only hope that you choose to vote Yang when he wins the nomination. Also to say that Yang courted the 4chan/white nationalist vote is nothing short of a lie!

I am a 36 year old mother, wife, and healthcare worker. To label yang followers as Male techies so disingenuous. My husband is a conservative who works in sales. We BOTH see Yangs policies as logical and forward thinking. We have never voted for the same candidate and now we are. 

hey, take it easy. She has a full time job writing advertising copy for Juul. Kinda hard to follow all this politics stuff too. 

I agree, Sebastian, this article is immature and mischaracterizes what he represents, at best. Andrew Yang’s ideas are by far, the most comprehensive and well thought out.

M genuinely curious. What makes you think he is actually not qualified? He ran a non-profit business to bring tech into poor communities. To me, he has a unique perspective of using business as a tool to help the communities that has been underrepresented. Thats an asset, not a liability.

you arent incorrect but I think the author is mischaracterizing Yang’s supporters because real white nationalists wouldn’t support him. This was just a smear job on the authors part

This.. Thanks for saying exactly whats in my mind. Coming from the tech field myself and helping companies transform with AI, his freedom dividend makes absolute sense. He is also the only candidate who has a grasp of tech. Tech used by our govt is getting antiquated. Having someone with Yang’s perspective will be

There’s a lot wrong with this article, but I think the most disingenuous is how you continue to push the white nationalist narrative.

100% agree this might be the worst smear article I have ever seen written. As a journalist of any sort you should be ashamed. Do some research.

I agree with you! Thank you! Also, FYI, I am a male Hispanic from New York City. Far from a white nationalist LOL!

Now playing

This is the most ridiculous smear of Yang I have seen thus far, congrats.

Build build build build and tell NIMBYs to eat shit. And yes that means the people in SF too who don’t want to see a high rise of social housing in their adorable neighborhood.

“Was she really that late a bloomer at the top?”

Or people should stop lying to kids to cover up their dirty secrets. Biology does matter, and that’s why people seek it out. If you value the relationship, learning about DNA won’t matter, but DNA relations bring new opportunities. The “aunt” I was closet with in life was the girlfriend of one of my uncles, never any