
Reading RP1 I was never sure whether I was even supposed to like Wade. Personally, I didn’t. I believe Cline simply isn’t a good enough writer to pull off writing about an unlikeable character.

You’re right that this book isn’t impervious to criticism, no matter how beloved it may or may not be, depending on who you ask. Personally, I love the book but the reverence for 80's pop culture was a bit too precious at times even for a dyed-in-the wool nerd like me. As far as Parzival fixating on Art3mis, it seemed

Book about teenage boy is written from teenage boy’s point of view with focus on what teenage boy is interested in. It’s all about perspective: you only see what Wade sees, or says since he’s the narrator. The whole story is filtered through the mind of a socially awkward, orphaned, teenage boy who grew up on the

I’m actually hoping the film rounds out some of the rough edges of the book. I loved the story and the world it built but Wade is a massive Mary Sue (Or Marty Sue I guess).

He fits the typical 9Gag single ‘nice guy’ stereotype but he has a bit of a tragic backstory to go with it. I hate his relationship with Art3mis

I’ll have to check this out.

We kind of knew it when Citizens United went to court.

I think this is a great and fair evaluation of the book. Objectively it’s bad, subjectively it can be a fun ride for people who want a nostalgia hit without much thought. While it’s shocking it got published, the publisher did spot a great commercial hit.

If you read Armada you’ll see he is truly a one-trick pony (maybe even a half-trick pony?)