Release it on the internet, he doesn’t want political censorship there.
Release it on the internet, he doesn’t want political censorship there.
Well, it’s what white MAGAt privilege looks like. I can guarantee you that if the attacker was believed to be Antifa and the attacked child was a chudling wearing a MAGA hat, the attacker would have been beaten bloody, and then been “found” “hanged” in his cell.
I’m sorry but i don’t see anything about taking him to Burger King for a quick and delicious bite on the way to jail so clearly this white privilege you speak of is totally a hoax.
He’s already on probation for assault with a weapon, he fractures a child’s skull, and after his arrest he was...
Seriously, it’s a flurry of slaps in word form.
A reminder to anyone who thinks the conservative movement is dying as the Boomer generation gets older. Vile people are raising their vile offspring to walk in their vile footsteps. They’re not going to stop, and they aren’t going to return to normalcy or decency or sanity or whatever, so about all you can do is make…
So much to choose from in that excerpt.
“She’s a frum Donatella Versace, her platinum hair parted severely down the middle, clad in increasingly conservative floor-length dresses, with an uncanny-valley beauty that’s the inverse of her father’s slack meat sack, and speaking in the ever-huskier whisper of a phone-sex operator who went to boarding school.”
It has become clear to me that a large segment of Trump’s base see themselves as a part of a war against liberalism and against any belief system that is not supportive of white christian supremacy. It used to be fringe, but is becoming a majority of the republican party that believes that the “traditional” American…
welp, it’s a good thing it’s easy to buy a gun in america.
In the good old days before that...
I wish trump was more like Jim Jones in regard to his cult followers.
It’s so facetious on his part. He’s putting it out there knowing the crowd will (and they will because it’s Cincinnati, which is Kentucky as far as we former Ohio residents are concerned,) then he can plead plausible deniability that he is responsible.
“Hey, I told them not to call your mother a whore. What do you…
Anyone here remember the Presidential debates in 2008 when John McCain shut down a woman who started breathlessly babbling that Obama was a Muslim, terrorist and communist by explaining that Obama was a good American and Christian but the two of them just had some differences?
The joke——->
I agree this is a dumb take on him, but as a single issue candidate he’s probably just gunning for an appointed position, maybe head of the EPA or Interior Sec. And we need people who are focused on the environment in said positions, because fuckers like Pruitt are legit just trying to make a few bucks before they and…
I've been commenting on Trump posts with "this guy sucks forever ass" for a few months now, and they always get way more stars then my earnest comments, but i think it might be time to turn the gun on Biden. I loved him when he was VP, but fuuuuuck.
In some of the exchanges Delaney had with Warren and Sanders on health care, taxes, and trade, who you thought got the better of the exchange probably depends on where you stand on the particular issues. But Delaney, once he got passed the “Your plan is unrealistic” bullshit and actually started talking about what he…
Please, everyone knows the correct musical comparison for Forrest Gump is The Eagles.