Can you imagine how refreshing it would be to see Inslee run the EPA after the disaster of Scott Pruitt?
Can you imagine how refreshing it would be to see Inslee run the EPA after the disaster of Scott Pruitt?
I sort of feel like Delaney is the John Kasich of this primary.
I hope Warren wins this primary so I’m not saying this as a centrist. I don’t want John Delany, Bullock, Hickenlooper, or Price to win the nomination, but I still think they deserve to be listened to. We’re a big tent party and everyone in that tent should be able to bring their ideas to the table for discussion.…
Sadly he’s been silent this morning. Maybe he died and they just haven’t announced it yet. Fingers crossed.
His stage presence is really off putting. As a Democrat who didn’t vote for him in 2016, I came in to this primary with an open mind, prepared to get on the Bernie train if that’s where the party wants to go since the other option clearly failed last time. But damn, every time I get myself worked up to support him by…
This is Splinter. Anything to the right of Warren is considered Republican. There are some hilarious commentators on here that make it worth skimming the comments sections on these articles, but don’t let yourself get caught saying anything positive about anyone who isn’t Warren or Sanders. I’m voting for Warren in…
How about instead of imitating Trump’s language about kicking people out of the country, you just wish that he would drop out of the race and not run for office again?
I live in Oklahoma where like half a dozen really smart people got together and realized that they could draft the most open ended and liberal medical marijuana ballot initiative petition ever put together in an overwhelming conservative state, because Oklahomans have demonstrated (1) that they can’t actually read or…
Clearly Splinter has been far too ambiguous about whether they are a centrist or progressive leaning blog.
This moment has brought to you by our current clusterfuck of a moment where Democrats push for state power against the federal government and the Republicans argue that the state is powerless against the federal government.
I highly recommend moving to a state with legal weed. All of the numbness, none of the calories, stomach crap, or hangovers.
He’s such a fun actor. Have enjoyed watching his smaller roles in tv shows for years. I was so uncharacteristically happy for another person when he seemed to start breaking out in Westworld.
I hope if Trump ever actually “opens up the libel laws” as threatened, he goes far enough to open himself up to libel and defamation suits for all his twitter bullshit.
When she gets assassinated by some red neck Trump supporter, fucking hang and disembowel this piece of shit and every other conservative child raping mother fucker who slandered her.
I feel like we should pump the breaks before saying “Worst Possible thing.” He’s still alive and getting worse everyday. Wait until he tweets out that 9/11 was an inside job by Obama and Clinton to weaken the Bush administration.
I think in an ideal world, your ideas sound good, but I don’t think people are ever going to act like you expect them too.
My point is that it doesn’t matter whether the Dems are inclusive. We can court moderates and independents all we want but they aren’t interested. The major Republican players you name would rather…
Just as an aside, in 2018 Bill Kristol was organizing former Republicans to run for office as Independents. This was the group he put together. I know because one of them is my mother’s sibling and this person wouldn’t shut up about Kristol when he/she was making the decision on whether to run.
This is fantastic. You can have all of my stars for now and forever.
People want to talk (or joke) about the possibility that Trump won’t leave after two terms, but realistically, I think this is the Trump who will be trying to get on the Republican ticket in 2024. It’s blatantly obvious that he wants to be a big deal in politics.