Lady Jólakötturinn

You're entire posting is a request for awards for being a good white person.



Actually I would say this is an interesting point since when women do things it is almost always painted as being done for male attention.

Amen. The last big retail company that I worked for had loss accounting for 20% of their yearly review that decided raises/bonuses/promotion.

misandrists, because you certainly have reason to hate the stronger species....

"Jezebel, you can do so much better." or anything talking about how this is mean or not feminist because boy feelings are hurt from the title.

He definitely seems like the kind of insecure asshole that would go off the deep end with this.

That's what a dislocated eye looks like?!?

Lol "Stop what?"

You beat me to it. I was going to reply with this.

That doesn't even make sense.

Nice fishing expedition and making it about your own assumption that he is unattractive and not physically desirable.

The biggest part I'm calling bullshit on is that he has a girlfriend.

I think he is lying too but I was thinking about how that is even more fucked up to brag and lie about doing it.

You are engaging me right now and threatening me because I'm frustrated by all the comments on this article from people tgat can't find the tab to select "Big" men's sizes. Note I replied to four people at least explaining where to find "Big" men's size 48w but go ahead and make this about you.

Well I can't prove anything but you've deleted entire posts for less.

You have a history of dismissing or deleting people that point out when you are wrong.

Your point was it was a false equivalency to compare the rise in price for women's when men didn't have the options of larger sizes. You said Old Navy didn't offer men's 48w. I pointed out they did and it is equal to a woman's 26 and there is no price increase for the men's 48w.