Lady Jólakötturinn

Just need to say this is the best and simplest explanation of use of pronouns for trans persons ever.

I can't help but wonder if they aren't trying to bring back the old popularity with this move. Problem being that Lena Dunham is NOT Faith Hill.

I like to consider myself an artist.

WASP porn.

I don't think it normalizes. If anything it fetishisizes it or something else which may eventually normalize it in 10 years.

I think Jessica should post the best attempts at submitting the untouched photo.

I wish I had them.

He did the one pricing part too.

They have been having lay offs for the past two years now. They were expanding up till 2009-2010 but it has been this steady decline since.

This always makes me sad. Retail chains grow to quickly, over saturate a market, and the only ones that seem suffer are the worker bees. No real consequences for the big guys that made the decisions that resulted in over saturation and decline in sales.

I use to do the same thing at the bar when I had a shitty job. It's okay, Uma.

How is that an implication of her drunk driving and deserving to be shot for drunk driving?

I don't see implications regarding her drunk driving in this comment section.

When I was in grad school one of my friends was working on a thesis centered on missing persons and their coverage in the media. Of course she was focusing on race, class, age, etc.


I don't see a blaming comment about drunk driving. There are comments where persons argue that a drunk person banging on their door would scare them.

Sometimes there are trolls. It happens. Its the internet.

I don't think it is necessarily trollish to acknowledge she was drunk. I don't agree with that argument as a reason to murder her but to ignore it and not address it in a civil manner gives it validity.

And call the police after?

The prosecutors better be prepared. The defense will spend all their money on experts to prove their case and if anyone knows anything about.