Lady Jólakötturinn

Illinois B.

Honestly was not my intent. I wish I was that clever lol

I don't get why we have to be anti Taylor Swift as a person.

I think you are looking to be outraged.

It wasn't snarky. I just assumed I didn't include it.

I do not see how this is transphobic. Please elaborate.

Correlation causation.

And water is wet.

I thought it was in one of the links I shared.


Let's all play a game.

We shouldn't have incarceration in the manner we practice now so I'm not really going to argue about prisons and imprisonment.

AKA your afternoon cry.

Why should money, influence, and skin color determine if someone is punished for a crime?

Childfree and childless are usually the categories.

But that is my whole argument. You can't sit there and look back at who paved the way. They we would just be talking about how great The Honeymooners was.

Plus, the Telegraph notes that those without children "did significantly more to 'maintain' their relationship, such as taking time to go out together or talk, than those with children," which seems like the real problem, not the kids. So if you're looking for a birthday present for a parent in your life, it'd be hard

It should be updated with Mia's tweet this morning. Feministing posted it here.